Page 7 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 7

Rafale F4 for the Future                     French Navy aircraft), F2 (air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities),   [ COVER  STORY ]
        The F4 standard is the fourth development  F3 and F3R (extended versatility). The Rafale F1 Standard  featured
        standard of the Rafale, since it entered ser-  only air-to-air capabilities and became operational in 2004 with
        vice and development began in 2017. The  the French Navy on Rafales launched from the Charles de Gaulle
        F3-R Standard entered French Air and Space  nuclear aircraft-carrier during operation “Enduring Freedom”. The
        Force service in 2021 and incorporates MBDA’s  F2 Standard entered service with the French Air Force and the
        Meteor long-range air-to-air missile and Thales  French Navy in 2006, adding both air-to-air and air-to-ground mis-
        Talios new-generation targeting and laser des-  sions. The Rafale F3 was qualified by the French MoD in 2008 and
        ignator pod. All Rafales delivered since 2013  added the AREOS reconnaissance pod, anti-ship capability with
        are fitted with the RBE2 Active Electronically  the AM39 EXOCET (implemented in Rafale B, C, and M), and the
        Scanned Array (AESA) radar.The Rafale F4 will  nuclear capability with the ASMPA. The first Rafale F3 was deliv-
        see the addition of Helmet-Mounted Display  ered to the Air Warfare Centre and Operational Test & Evaluation
        capabilities, integration of Mica NG Air-to-Air  Centre (CEAM) of the French Air Force in mid-2008 at Mont-de-
        Missile (AAM) and the 1,000-kg AASM Air-to-  Marsan Air Base.
        Ground Modular Weapon. There will also be
        significant upgrades to the Rafale’s Spectra  Fighting Fit
        Electronic Warfare (EW) suite, upgraded fron-  Despite its age, Boeing’s F-15 has received significant updates over
        tal sector optronics (OSF), integration of the  the years, and yet remains in contention in several fighter competi-
        Thales  TArgeting  Long-range  Identification
        Optronic  System (TALIOS) and upgraded
        RBE2 AESA radar. It will also accommodate
        future evolutions of ASMP-A, SCALP, AASM
        1000 kg weapons. The Rafale F4 will deliver
        greater connectivity to increase the aircraft’s
        data processing capacity, improved air-to-air
        and air-to-ground armament, enhancements
        to the radar and Electronic Warfare (EW) suite
        and ensure greater availability and operational
        readiness of the aircraft through introduction
        of a fault prediction and diagnostic aid system.

        French Rafale F4s will enter service in two
        stages in 2023 and 2025 and provide a tech-
        nological, industrial and strategic leap over
        earlier Rafale configurations: F1 (specific to first

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    March 2022 | 7
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