Page 12 - ADT MAY-JUNE 2022 Online Magazine
P. 12

one BT, seven DIFAR, and two DICASS buoys to initiate prosecu-
                                                     tion and continuously track a MK-39 EMATT (Expendable Mobile
                                                     ASW Training Target) over a three-hour period. Target track was
                                                     generated using General Dynamics Mission Systems-Canada’s
                                                     industry-leading UYS-505 Sonobuoy Processing Systems.  GA-ASI
                                                     is developing this first-of-its-kind capability for its new MQ-9B
                                                     SeaGuardian  UAS  in  partnership  with  the  U.S.  Navy  under  a
                                                     Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Naval
                                                     Air Systems Command.                                          [ UNMANNED  SYSTEMS ]

                                                     “This demonstration is a first for airborne ASW. The successful
                                                     completion of this testing paves the way for future development
                                                     of more Anti-Submarine Warfare capabilities from our MQ-9s,”
                                                     said GA-ASI President David R. Alexander. “We look forward to
                                                     continuing collaboration with the U.S. Navy as they explore inno-
                                                     vative options for distributed maritime operations in the undersea
                                                     domain.” GA-ASI first demonstrated a sonobuoy remote processing
                                                     capability in 2017 from an MQ-9A. Since then, GA-ASI has added a
                                                     Sonobuoy Management & Control System (SMCS) to monitor and
                                                     control deployed sonobuoys and developed a pneumatic sonobuoy
                                                     dispenser system (SDS) capable of safely carrying and deploying
                                                     10 U.S. Navy compliant ‘A’ size or 20 ‘G’ size sonobuoys per pod.

                                                     The MQ-9B SeaGuardian has four wing stations available to carry
                                                     up to four (4) SDS pods, allowing it to carry and dispense up to
                                                     40 ‘A’ size or 80 ‘G’ size sonobuoys, and remotely perform ASW
                                                     anywhere in the world.
                                                        In a standard Maritime ISR and ASW configuration, SeaGuardian’s
                                                     endurance exceeds 18 hours, encompassing a mission radius of
                                                     1200 nautical miles with eight hours of on-station time for sub-
                                                     marine prosecution, providing a low-cost complement to manned
        real-time motion detection to locate a subject   aircraft for manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operations.
        when visibility or weather conditions are poor,”
        McGillis added.                              “We have already received orders for this MQ-9B SeaGuardian
                                                     ASW capability from two separate foreign customers and antici-
        Several companies are rather developing or   pates demand to be extremely strong for the MQ-9B SeaGuardian
        upgrading their existing systems to meet the   with its high-end maritime capabilities and low-cost relative to
        customer demands.                            legacy manned maritime platforms,” Alexander said. In 2019, the
           General  Atomics  Aeronautical  Systems   then Trump administration had approved the sale of four MQ-9B
        recently completed development and test of   “weapons-ready” unmanned aircraft to Taiwan for an estimated
        what they claim is the world’s first self-contained   value of US$600 million.  It is understood that Taipei will go for the
        Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capability for   maritime version of MQ-9B.
        an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). GA-ASI
        said it successfully demonstrated an ‘A’ size
        sonobuoy carriage, release, process and con- The EU Active with EMSA
        trol from a company-owned MQ-9A Block 5 on  The European Union (EU) has also become increasingly active in
        a U.S. Navy Pacific test range. Using a SATCOM  ensuring a secure global maritime domain. This in particular involves
        link, GA-ASI remotely processed bathyther-   combating threats posed by illicit activities, such as piracy against
        mal and acoustic data from deployed ‘A’ size  ships, drug trafficking, smuggling and trafficking in human beings,
        Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording  or illegal fishing, as well as by natural disasters, climate change,
        (DIFAR-AN/SSQ-53G), Directional Command  or conflict in and around coastal regions.  The EU Maritime Safety
        Activated  Sonobuoy  System  (DICASS-AN/     Agency (EMSA) recently announced that it would buy Remotely
        SSQ-62F)  and  Bathythermograph  (BT-AN/     Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for 20 million euros. So far, the
        SSQ-36B) sonobuoys and accurately gener-     EU Commission probably has spent at least 500 million euros
        ated a target track in real time from the Laguna  on the use of drones since 2017 for maritime safety. The French
        Flight  Operations  Facility  located  at  Yuma  administration has also requested the EMSA to establish a multi-
        Proving Grounds.                             purpose maritime surveillance operation, having the Navy (Marine
                                                     Nationale) and customs (Douanes) as the operation's strategic
        The MQ-9A Block 5 successfully deployed  and tactical leaders.

        12 | May/June 2022                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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