Page 14 - ADT MAY-JUNE 2022 Online Magazine
P. 14

A Buzz in                                                      focus on promoting self-reliance in defence   [ AIR  SYSTEMS ]
                                                                       manufacturing. Analysts expect the increase
                                                                       in use of military transport aircraft for human-
                                                                       itarian  aid,  firefighting,  addressing  national
                                                                       disaster situations and for medical evacuation
                                                                       to be another catalyst for the growth of the
        the Air                                                        market. With the effects of the pandemic wear-
                                                                       ing off and countries starting to spend more
                                                                       in strengthening their military capabilities, the
                                                                       global military transport aircraft market is pro-
                                                                       jected to reach US$45,397.60 million by 2030,
                                                                       growing at a CAGR of 4.8. per cent until the end
                                                                       of the decade.
         AGEING FLEET OF  MILITARY TRANSPORT                           Making an Impact
         AIRCRAFT, NEW PLAYERS PREPARE TO SHAKE                        India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is
                                                                       developing a 13-tonne twin-engine, multi-role,
         UP THE MARKET                                                 medium-lift transport helicopter called the
                                                                       Indian Multi-Role Helicopter (IMRH), which is
           Arun Sivasankaran                                           expected to enter service in 2028. According
                                                                       to reports, HAL is in talks with Safran to jointly
                                                                       and indigenously manufacture the new engine
        A market traditionally dominated by big names from the U.S. and  that will power the IMRH. The helicopter will
        Europe is getting increasingly competitive as new players from the  replace the various variants of Russian Mi-17s,
        Asia Pacific and other regions emerge to capitalize on the growing  with the phasing out of the earlier versions
        demand for military transport aircraft. The entry of companies from  of the helicopters to begin around 2028. The
        countries such as Turkey, South Korea, Japan, and India into the  IMRH will be used for a wide variety of opera-
        field has as much to do with the increase in the number of coun-  tions, including troop transport, VVIP travel, and
        tries looking to replace their aging fleet of transport aircraft as the  search and rescue. The new helicopter, which

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