Page 19 - ADT MAY-JUNE 2022 Online Magazine
P. 19

commenced two years after development of the MICA NG air-to-air   system that can operate various missiles at   [ MISSILE  SYSTEMS ]
        missile. It will be able to intercept ‘conventional’ targets (aircraft,   various ranges. This allows the customer to
        helicopters, cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles) at longer dis-  optimise its coastal defence accordingly with
        tances. According to MBDA, the VL MICA NG system will offer    the geography of its maritime approaches.
        improved capabilities to handle atypical targets such as UAVs and   The MCDS can operate Marte MK2/N (30 km
        small aircraft as well as future threats characterised by increasingly   class), Marte ER (100 km class) and/or Exocet
        low observable infrared and radio frequency signatures.        MM40 Block 3 (200 km class). The Exocet
                                                                       MM40 B3 is the latest version of the Exocet
        The MICA NG missile will be available from 2026 onwards and    family of AShMs with a longer range and new
        represents a step change in thinking as compared to the cur-   seeker.
        rent version of MICA missile. The new missile will feature a new
        dual pulse motor allows an efficient range of 40 km in surface-  Marte ER represents the third generation of the
        to-air firings. The missiles’ two different seekers, feature entirely   Marte family of anti-ship missiles and is touted
        new technologies (an Imaging IR seeker based on a focal plan   as a multiplatform missile family. Thanks to its
        array and an Active Electronically Scanned Antenna RF seeker).   medium weight and size class, the Marte ER is
        Despite these changes, the MICA NG will have the same mechan-  considered as optimal against medium range
        ical characteristics and remain fully compatible with existing MICA   threats. The Marte ER version is derived from
        missile launchers. MBDA is now also offering the SIMBAD RC     the Marte MK2/S and has been designed to be
        system, which is based on the latest generation of the popular   used on fast jets and the new generation, naval
        MISTRAL missile. A short-range, anti-air and anti-surface self-de-  versions of the European NFH90 and AW101
        fence system, SIMBAD-RC is particularly efficient against small   helicopters but can also be integrated on ships
        tactical UAVs. SIMBAD-RC is designed to provide an autonomous   and coastal batteries. Integration of Marte ER
        self-defence capability on all kind of warships, or to complement the   on the Eurofighter Typhoon provides new anti-
        main air defences of first rank warships. Up to four fire-and-forget   ship capability to the aircraft. The Marte ER
        MISTRAL missiles are carried aboard a single launcher.         receives a new turbojet engine dramatically
                                                                       increasing the missile’s effective range and its
                                                                       latest successful firing took place at the end of
        Coastal Defence                                                2021. The launch represented a key milestone
        MBDA is also developing a new generation of coastal batteries  in its validation process.
        under the MCDS (Missile Coastal Defence System) programme for
        export customers. MBDA itself has a significant portfolio of anti-  Despite these changes, the Marte ER has the
        ship missiles and as a result, the MCDS offers a particularly flexible  same interfaces, and logistic support doctrine
                                                                       as the Marte MK2/S. This means no platform
                                                                       hardware changes are required for aircraft
                                                                       which are already qualified for the Marte family,
                                                                       such as NFH90 and AW101. Software changes
                                                                       will be required only to the Store Management
                                                                       System to deal with the extended ranges, now
                                                                       possible. With this same software, the helicop-
                                                                       ter will be able to deploy both Marte MK2/S
                                                                       and Marte ER. To maintain commonality even
                                                                       further, the same logistics support (handling
                                                                       and maintenance) still applies.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                May/June 2022 | 19
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