Page 30 - ADT NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 30

                                                     WHEN WILL THE FIRST
                                                     PROTOTYPE BE INTRODUCED?

                                                     Firstly, Sikatan is a bird native to Indonesia and actually, the scale of
                                                     the displayed mockup was not 1:1 but 0.9. Why? Because it was easy
                                                     to bring it from Surabaya. Because if it’s 1:1, the width of the body
                                                     with both wings removed already exceeds that of a trailer truck.

                                                     The first prototype will be in three years. In the next two years, maybe
                                                     we will show a more serious mockup with a full cockpit, so people will
                                                     be more confident. Why small? We designed it as a tactical fighter.
                                                     Don’t imagine using it for long-distance patrols. For patrols, they
                                                     can use other fighter planes.

        doing the reverse engineering process. If the   IS TNI-AU INTERESTED?
        engine and the avionics are finished, where do
        we go from there? Where do you sell them? Do   It’s not official yet, but some of them are already interested. On the
        we want to make the same plane as PTDI? Of   other hand, there are also other people who looked down on us with
        course not. PTDI has a market, we don’t need   this project. It’s all fine, but what have they come up with by them-
        to take PTDI’s segment. We’ll take another seg-  selves? But I’m ready. Even if the plane can fly today and maneuver
        ment.                                        in the sky, are the haters will be totally gone? I don’t think so. Then
                                                     there are also those who ask, does our country really want to buy
        I met optimistic people whose way of thinking is  this later? Well, we’re making it in Indonesia, the first country that I
        simple. Finally, the courage grew, and we finally  offer this will be Indonesia, in this case, the TNI-AU. But if you don’t
        said, “Let’s make a fighter plane mockup.” And  want to buy it, that’s okay. I still can try to offer it to other countries.
        that’s what happened. If we have a dream, it
        must be realized. If it’s just talking, it’s a day-  WHAT ARE THE NEXT
        dream. With very minimal experience, we are
        looking for as much information as possible, then  STEPS AND CHALLENGES?
        we are ready to make a mockup.
                                                     What are we going to do with this fighter? We’ll make it with a class
        We knew that there was a Hawk (fighter) of the  below K-FX, so it won’t seem like we are competing with K-FX. If K-FX
        TNI-AU (Indonesian Air Force) that slipped off   is successful, then we can know what its technologies are. We can
        the runway (Pekanbaru, August 23, 2022), then  copy it to learn. We are planning to build a new, bigger workshop
        we took a look. We’re studying the technology  with an area of around three hectares. We will make it a one-stop
        for our reverse engineering programme, and so  workshop on avionics, reverse engineering, and so on. The location
        on. So, day by day, we are more confident that  already exists, near the airport (Juanda, Surabaya).
        we can do this.
                                                     Regarding the economic benefits of this project, if we produce
        When we sparked the idea, I made a proposal  everything domestically, do you know how many companies will be
        and  conveyed  it  to  Indonesia’s  Minister  of  involved? I’ve already counted, there are about 400. Maybe the
        Defence Prabowo Subianto, Indonesian Minister  downline is even more. Have you ever heard that the Eurofighter
        of Defence. He was interested, although the  project was about to be canceled? The project is losing money, the
        question arose about who is going to provide  buyers are few because it is indeed high cost. But in the end, they still
        the funding. But I told him: “Sir, the cost is very  continue the project because it employs 45,000 people. That’s the
        cheap because we will work very efficiently, and  reason. If we are truly willing, how many thousands will be involved
                                                     with this project? That’s the economic benefit there.
        I believe that with my concept, this can be real-
        ized within nine years. The first three years as a
        trainer, the next three years as a demonstrator,
        and in the last three years, we’ll make it as a
        full system.” What’s interesting about this proj-
        ect is that it will be a dual-seater aircraft and
        have twin-engines. We will use the engine with
        the same class as the Hawk engine (Rolls Royce
        Adour). We’re already dealing with the Hawk
        engine on a daily basis, and we are about to
        “clone” it. Considering that the engine is more
        than fifteen years old, the royalty is zero.

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