Page 34 - ADT NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 34


        advanced persistent threats (APTs), cybercrime,   THREAT HUNTING IN PRACTICE
        policy misuse, insider threats, poor security
        practices, and environmental vulnerabilities. The  While the concept of threat hunting seems reasonable, it is quite
        activity aims to identify attacks that slipped  challenging to do in practice. Threat hunting across various secu-
        past your defensive shield.                  rity technologies’ disparate log data is challenging; this is why XDR
                                                     vendors are able to offer a much more efficient solution to threat
        COMPLYING WITH LEGISLATION                   hunting.  Collected endpoint data includes all network connections,
                                                     file events, and registry events.  This creates a rich hunting ground
        To be compliant, organisations must collect and   to proactively identify hidden threats, risks, and vulnerabilities and
        store logs of all attempts to access the CII and   empower your team to proactively mitigate risks that degrade your
        a number of network connection attempts from   security posture.
        both within and outside the CII. Organisations   However, even with access to this vast collection of data, it is still
        also need to collect and store firewall logs, DNS   challenging to effectively threat hunt without a full-time team of
        logs, web proxy logs, and NIDS/NIPS logs.    threat intelligence experts, malware reverse engineers, hunters,
                                                     and investigators.  For this reason, cybersecurity vendors offer a
        To complicate matters further, the logs must   threat hunting/compromise assessment service. For example, some
        use a consistent time source, be protected  cybersecurity vendors provide expert hunters that will leverage their
        against unauthorized access, and be stored for  proprietary hunting methodology and intelligence enrichment to
        a minimum period of 12 months. They must be  hunt your global environment and provide a prioritized roadmap of
        monitored by a log retention policy and have a  identified threats and risks with mitigation guidance for every finding.
        log file structure that facilitates analysis. These
        logs must be handed to the CSA commissioner   BENEFITS OF THREAT HUNTING
        upon request for threat monitoring, threat anal-
        ysis, threat alerts, and threat response.    Threat hunting allows CIIs to proactively get ahead of the latest
                                                     threats by hunting for malicious activity. It helps to improve a CII’s
        Singaporean CIIs have until July 4, 2024, to con-  true risk posture and prevent any number of cyber incidents from
        duct their first threat hunt. After that, they must  progressing into full-blown attacks. When threat-hunting activities
        complete a threat-hunting exercise every 24   are complete, they provide confidence and peace of mind to CIIOs
        months. Any cybersecurity risks that are iden-  who no longer need to worry about latent threats hiding within the
        tified during the threat-hunting exercise must   network.
        be included in cybersecurity risk assessments
        to ensure that any found threats are assessed,   STRENGTHENING YOUR SECURITY POSTURE
        mitigated, and tracked. Additionally, they must
        investigate those threats to determine whether   Threat hunting is an important element in building up a CII’s security
        any incident took place in the past. If an incident   posture. However, for Singaporean organisations to comply with
        was uncovered, the CIIO is responsible to lead   the directive, they need to ensure they have the right tools and
                                                     over a threat that is hiding in plain sight.
        applicable incident reporting, response, and   processes in place to conduct the hunt. Otherwise, they may pass
        recovery plans.

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