Page 27 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
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the scene for the wider introduction and appli- are under development. Bengaluru-based public sector unit Bharat
cation of cloud-based computing in the MOD’s Electronics Limited has developed an AI enabled gesture recogni- LAND
Defence Synthetic Environment Platform, and tion system that will inform the guards of a military unit if a person
Collective Training Transformation Programme. approaching the place is a friend or enemy.
Harnessing Hadean’s Web 3.0 technology, the The system that can be easily integrated on a network of IP enabled
project will blend different 2D, 3D and Live, Virtual cameras, uses deep-learning to identify gestures like a human
and Constructive elements of training envi- walking with or without a gun, crawling with or without a gun and
ronments for land warfare into one immersive crouching with or without a gun. A third key technology would be
simulation, capable of running larger scenarios the silent sentry developed by the Indian Army to plug the gaps in
for remotely located physical and virtual users, surveillance networks. They are rail mounted robots that would be
without compromising on fidelity or complexity. used as additional eyes and ears on the perimeters of units and
installations to enhance the surveillance grid. Such robots are being
The demonstrator’s learning and development used by South Korea and Israel to man their borders.
outcomes will support the objectives set for
Multi-Domain Integration by the UK Ministry of WHAT IS NEW
Defence, enabling the British Army to explore
new areas of collective training where combat As land forces are grappling on the battlefield with the question of
teams in geographically disparate live environ- how to collect information from as many signals as possible while
ments can operate remotely alongside troops allowing those in the field to operate seamlessly, companies such as
exercising in the virtual world. Thales have introduced systems that can help accurately detect and
identify threats. Thales’ Acusonic Gunshot Detection System com-
Hadean CEO, Craig Beddis said “this pro- bines acoustic sensors and tracking algorithms to provide automatic
gramme, will equip British warfighters with detection and location of sniper fire, small arms fire and cannon fire.
the necessary computing power to conduct
live and synthetic training with their peers Acusonic is a passive detection system that utilizes the supersonic
and help drive performance improvements.” shock wave and the weapon’s muzzle blast, along with a proprietary
Senior Responsible Owner, CTTP, UK Ministry and patented technique of bullet-wake signature detection. The
of Defence, Mike Cooper, said the Collective additional data point of bullet wake detection allows for detection
Training Transformation Programme (CTTP) is and location even in high-noise environments, and in all weather
working with Army Innovation and Hadean to conditions. With a single Acusonic head on a vehicle platform,
exploit new technology in the Future Collective crews can achieve 360-degree coverage of the immediate area,
Training System.” although multiple heads may be required to cover any blind spots
on the vehicle, depending on mounting position. The sensor system
INDIA BETS BIG ON AI features a low integration burden, with software hosted on either the
platform’s existing processor, or standalone via a standard tablet.
India in July unveiled 75 AI-based products that
the army, air force, navy and coast guard will use Similarly, Leonardo has introduced Newton, a software product
in the coming days. Another 100 such products which simulates the latest threats to armed forces and the counter-