Page 33 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 33
Rising regional tensions and global uncertain- aplenty for global arms firms.
ties are continuing to drive defence spending
in Indonesia, which has budgeted for approx- In February, Indonesia entered into a contract with Dassault Aviation
imately USD9 billion in defence expenditure for the acquisition of 42 Rafale fighter jets worth US8.1 billion dollars.
for 2023. Indonesia’s security requirements are The Rafale acquisition for the Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan
unique by virtue of it being the largest archipel- Udara (Indonesian National Army Air Force) includes a complete
ago country in the world, located between two turnkey solution, with a comprehensive package that covers aircrew
oceans and two continents, giving it a unique training, logistical support for several Indonesian air bases, and a
geographical position. Indonesia is centrally training center with two full-mission simulators.
placed amongst the sea and land borders of ten
neighbouring countries, and as a result remains ‘This contract marks the start of a long-term partnership that will
vulnerable to a variety of security threats. see Dassault Aviation rapidly step up its presence in the coun-
try. It also demonstrates the strong bond between Indonesia and
According to the Indonesian Defence White France and reinforces the position of the world’s largest archipel-
Paper 2015 released by its Ministry of Defence ago as a key power on the international stage. I am confident that
(MoD), “South China Sea disputes have the the Rafale will meet the operational needs of the Indonesian Air
potential to become an (open) armed conflict Force, actively contributing to the defence and sovereignty of the
caused by: the parties involved in the South Republic of Indonesia,’ said Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation,
China Sea dispute who often use the mili- Eric Trappier, following the announcement of the deal. Indonesia’s
tary instrument to strengthen their claim, the aerospace industry is also expected to benefit from a substantial
involvement of countries outside the region in industrial return, not only in the aeronautical sector, but also in all
the conflict, and there being no institution or the other major areas of cooperation relating to the broad portfolio
credible international organization in resolv- of dual technologies mastered by Dassault Aviation and its industrial
ing the dispute.” With the Indonesian military partners, Safran Aircraft Engines and Thales.
looking to acquire a range of military aircraft,
vehicles, communications systems, spare parts, In March, French shipbuilder DCNS and Indonesia’s PT PAL signed a
and maintenance services, there is opportunity Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their cooper-