Page 34 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 34

Martin C-130J-30 airlifters. The C-130J-30 has
                                                                       a longer fuselage for combat delivery as com-
                                                                       pared to the C-130J.The TNI-AU has been a
                                                                       longstanding operator of the C-130 B and E
                                                                       models. The C-130J outperforms older C-130s
                                                                       in combat operations by at least a 2:1 margin,
                                                                       according to Lockheed Martin. It can operate    COUNTRY FOCUS-INDONESIA
                                                                       with only two pilots and one loadmaster for most
                                                                       missions, exposing fewer flight crew members to
                                                                       potential combat threats

                                                                       INDIGENOUS DRIVE

                                                                       Indonesia has a sizeable homegrown defence
                                                                       industrial base and one of the important pro-
                                                                       grammes currently underway is the development
                                                                       of the Kaplan MT medium tank project which
                                                                       was initiated as a G2G Agreement between
                                                                       Presidency of Defence Industries of Türkiye (SSB)
                                                                       and Ministry of Defence of Indonesia. The coop-
                                                                       eration agreement was signed between DG
                                                                       Defence Potential of Indonesia and Turkey’s SSB
                                                                       in 2015 for the development of two prototype
                                                                       vehicles. The deal was also a landmark moment
                                                                       for Turkey’s defence industry, as it was the coun-
                                                                       try’s first export contract in the medium weight
                                                                       tank class, as well as the first project that was
                                                                       initiated and concluded within the framework of
                                                                       the Defence Industry Cooperation Agreements
                                                                       signed between Indonesia and Turkey.

                                                                       Turkey’s FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. and PT
                                                                       Pindad entered into a serial production long-
                                                                       term collaboration agreement for the Kaplan MT
                                                                       medium tank (known as Harimau in Indonesia)
                                                                       in 2019. The joint production contract envisaged
                                                                       the manufacture of a total of 18 KAPLAN MT tanks
                                                                       with end user trials to take place in 2020. The
        ation in the submarine and surface ship fields, in accordance with   first 10 tanks will be produced at FNSS’ Facility
        the Indonesian French Defense Dialogue (IFDD). Indonesia wants to   in Turkey and the remaining 8 will be produced
        reinforce its naval capacity and is discussing with France to explore   in Indonesia. The production technical support
        projects of submarine and surface ships to be built in Indonesia with   and supply parts provided to PT Pindad for the
        a high level of local industrial content, through Indonesian-French   vehicles to be produced in Indonesia were com-
        long term cooperation. DCNS has offered latest generation of its   pleted in 2021. These parts and subsystems were
        Scorpene Class family of submarines, which are able to perform both   exported to Indonesia as tool kits and delivered
        shallow and blue water missions. Other opportunities on corvettes   to FNSS’ partner PT Pindad.
        and frigates are also to be assessed in the near future.

        “As the European leader in naval combat systems, warship designer
        and builder, DCNS is committed to establishing long-term part-
        nerships with the Indonesian industry to enhance Indonesia’s local
        high-tech industrial content. Our cooperation with Indonesia’s larg-
        est shipyard PT PAL is a perfect illustration of this ambition and we
        are looking forward to bringing our strong expertise in technology
        transfers for complex naval programs to provide an industrial project
        and develop Indonesian Navy operational capability,” DCNS CEO
        Hervé Guillou declared following the MoU signature.

        The Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) is also acquiring five new Lockheed
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