Page 6 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 6
WITH RUSSIA AND THE ar-powered torpedo ‘Poseidon’ for the Russian Navy. The Poseidon
U.S INVESTING HEAVILY nuclear-armed underwater drone can deliver a retaliatory nuclear
second strike at population centres, major cities and industrial cen-
IN SUBMARINES, UNDERWA- tres near the coast by triggering devastating radioactive tsunamis.
TER WARFARE IS ABOUT According to H.I. Sutton, a submarine expert, “Poseidon is a com-
TO ENTER A NEW AND pletely new category of weapon. It will reshape naval planning in
DEADLY PHASE both Russia and the West, leading to new requirements and new
counter-weapons.” But, according to a statement from Russian
Navy Chief Adm. Nikolai Anatolyevich Yevmenov, “the Belgorod sub-
JAY MENON marine opens up new opportunities for Russia in conducting various
research, allows conducting diverse scientific expeditions and rescue
Underwater games of cat and mouse between operations in the most remote areas of the world ocean.”
the navies of Russia and the United States are
set to become more combative beneath the Highlighting Belgorod’s non-lethal capabilities, the navy chief said:
rapidly melting Arctic ice. The accelerated “The ship is designed to solve diverse scientific problems, conduct
rebuilding of the Russian Northern Fleet’s roster search and rescue operations, and can also be used as a car-
of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines rier of rescue deep-sea and autonomous unmanned underwater
and the ongoing missions of American attack vehicles.” Yet another nuclear submarine of Russia’s Project 09851
submarines (SSN) to track them aggressively ‘Khabarovsk’, which is the second carrier of Poseidon underwater
have rekindled the U.S.-Russian underwater craft, is also ready for launch. The Khabarovsk is an improved design
naval competition. of the 885-type sub-class multi-purpose nuclear-powered subma-
rine that the Russian Navy is building in batches.
RUSSIAN RESEARCH SUB? According to defence analysts the basic performance of the
Khabarovsk is not much different from the Yasen-class nuclear sub-
Last July, the Russian Navy took delivery of marine, but as a special nuclear submarine, it pays more attention
Belgorod, termed the world’s longest known to multi-purpose capabilities and combat capabilities. It has a
submarine, enabling new concepts of operation higher degree of automation, and is equipped with richer equip-
and military thoughts around future warfare. ment, including the Arctic unmanned submarines and Poseidon
Though Sevmash Shipyard described the Project nuclear torpedoes operating under the ice. Defence analyst Sutton
09852 as a “research submarine”, Belgorod will termed the Khabarovsk “the most enigmatic submarine.” The ana-
be the first carrier of the very long-range nucle- lyst noted that apart from its ability to carry six Poseidon strategic