Page 9 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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Major Market at high speeds, was commissioned as MNDF
Much of the demand is being generated by the Asia Pacific. In Coast Guard ship Huravee. Meanwhile, Algeria
December last year, the Philippine Navy commissioned two new is reportedly close to signing a deal with Italian
fast-attack interdictor craft missile (FAIC-M) vessels developed by shipbuilder Fincantieri for the procurement of
Israel Shipyards. The FAIC-Ms are equipped with a Rafael-built naval fast attack craft (FAC) and multi-purpose vessels
combat suite that comprises internal and external communication (MPVs). Earlier this month, a new Karakurt-class
systems, a tactical data link, and a combat management system. fast attack craft was commissioned into service
The vessels have Typhoon and Mini-Typhoon remote operating with Russian Navy.
weapon systems as well as naval Spike missiles as main arma-
ments. The service has The Philippine Navy has plans to acquire Elsewhere, in a technology transfer agreement
eight FAIC-Ms, with four of the vessels having beyond-line-of-sight with Elefsis Shipyards and Industries in Greece,
missile systems, and the other four having automatic light cannons BAE Systems has delivered a series of Fast
and machine guns. The vessels will replace the navy’s aging medi- Attack Craft to the Hellenic Navy, of which four
um-sized patrol boats. are in service. The company’s 62-metre Fast
Attack Craft is a high speed, multi-role platform
The Indonesian Navy recently commissioned two new fast attack capable of operating in both anti-air and sur-
craft into service, the fifth and sixth vessels belonging to the face combat situations. Used as a high-speed
Sampari-class. The service will acquire 18 vessels of the type. Built at interception and offshore patrol craft, its exten-
the Surabaya facilities of state-owned PAL Indonesia, KRI Kapak and sive weapon fit on a compact hull delivers an
KRI Panah have a length of 60.3 metres, and can accommodate 55 economic solution to surveillance, intelligence
crewmembers. The Sampari-class boats were initially designed to be gathering, patrol, interdiction, and engagement
capable of anti-surface warfare but are also capable of accurately of enemy forces.
striking airborne targets at altitudes of up to 300 metres above sea
level. Installed on the boats are a BAE Systems Bofors 57mm rapid
fire naval gun, two Yugoimport–SDPR 20mm autocannon, and a The Fast Attack Craft’s design incorporates
maximum of four MBDA Exocet anti-ship missiles housed in two twin advanced stealth technology to minimise infra-
launchers. The vessels also have 130mm decoy launch systems pro- red, radar, magnetic and noise signatures to
vided by Terma and tactical threat warning systems from Teledyne reduce the chances of detection and enhance
Defence and Space. The vessels are capable of a top speed of 30 operational effectiveness of the ship. Due to the
knots and a range of 2,400 nautical miles. anticipated growth of the market, there will be
plenty of opportunities up for grabs for com-
In May, India’s Defence minister Rajnath Singh handed over two panies such as China Shipbuilding Trading Co.,
indigenous vessels, a fast patrol vessel and landing craft assault Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering,
ship, to the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF). The fast Goa Shipyard, Navantia and Mitsubishi Heavy
patrol vessel, which is capable of coastal and offshore surveillance Industries.