Page 15 - ADT MARCH 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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offtake capability and power-sharing between
shafts leads to mission optimisation/extension © UK MOD
and surge margin recovery with the ability to
manage highly dynamic electrical loads and
spikes. Rolls Royce has also agreed with its
international partners on the next stage of the
full-scale engine demonstrator programme.
Leonardo UK is a core participant in the pro-
gramme, with the future aircraft’s integrated
sensing, non-kinetic effects and integrated
communications to be at the heart of the sys-
tem’s capability. Leonardo in the UK and in Italy
are working together on a number of projects
with Elettronica in Italy including joint assess- former joining the GCAP programme within two years. Rolls-Royce
ment of potential architecture of a common and Japan’s IHI Corporation had also announced in December 2021,
Integrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effects that they will work together to develop and deliver a future fighter
(ISANKE) and Integrated Communications engine demonstrator. Work on the joint engine demonstrator began
System (ICS). The work is complementary to in 2022, with the UK investing an initial £30 million in planning, dig-
ongoing collaboration with Japan on 6th gen- ital designs and innovative manufacturing developments. A further
eration sensor capabilities, an area in which Italy £200 million of UK funding is expected to go towards developing a
will soon be involved. full-scale demonstrator power system at Rolls-Royce’s Filton facility
in Bristol.
MBDA has unveiled its concept for a weapon
effects management system, to aid the coor- Leonardo UK announced at the 2022 Farnborough airshow, that
dination of all available weapons in the battle it would embark on next stage of UK-Japan fighter jet sensor pro-
space using artificial intelligence and machine gramme with Mitsubishi Electric. The concept radar technology
learning enhanced software. demonstrator called JAGUAR was first unveiled in February 2022,
following the completion of joint concept work and feasibility stud-
Partnership Mode ies. The Jaguar will represent the very latest in combat air sensing
The UK industry partners have already gen- technology and will provide enhanced radar functions as well as
erated strong working relationships with advanced new capabilities that can disrupt and deny adversary
their counterparts in Italy and Japan, which surveillance systems
include IHI Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan, and Avio The Jaguar workshare has been agreed upon by both companies
Aero, Elettronica and Leonardo in Italy. The pro- and Leonardo UK and Mitsubishi Electric have signed contracts
gramme will encompass the entire Italian supply with their respective national defence ministries in order to progress
chain, including universities, research centres development work. The project is now proceeding at pace, in line
and SME companies as well as the industries with Leonardo’s broader approach to FCAS partnerships, where
involved. close collaboration is supported by agile decision-making and a
transformational ethos imported from Silicon Valley.
In February, the UK and Italy agreed to further
strengthen military collaboration with Defence JAGUAR represents the first big building block of an international
Ministers Ben Wallace and Guido Crosetto sign- radar programme that meets the ambitions laid out by Japan and
ing a new Joint-Statement of Intent on bilateral the UK as part of F-X/FCAS discussions. The technology and learn-
defence co-operation. The UK and Italian ings generated by JAGUAR work will feed into the development of
Defence Secretaries also met at the event in Tempest’s ISANKE & ICS. ISANKE is a ‘spider’s web’ of capability that
February, which was the first since the GCAP sits across an aircraft, unlocking the potential of sixth generation
agreement announced in December 2023. As sensors by moving from distinct pieces of equipment to integrated
part of the trip, the UK Defence Secretary also systems, while ICS connects the ISANKE system into the wider FCAS
visited the Leonardo’s aircraft division in Turin, system-of-systems.
where he discussed the work on GCAP. The abil-
ity of the UK and Italian armed forces to operate The tri-nation GCAP initiatives at present has all the makings of a
together and develop shared capabilities to successful futuristic combat aviation development effort. However,
minimise costs was also part of the agreement. the design and development of fighter aircraft in an era of rapid
technological change, is fraught with risks and any delays and
Japan and the UK inked a memorandum of cost-overruns could dampen the enthusiasm of partner nations.
cooperation around fighter technologies in Done right, however, GCAP could result in the first affordable 6 gen
December 2021, eventually resulting in the fighter with strong export prospects.