Page 3 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 3


 WE OWN                                    GEARED FOR           22   INTERVIEW

                                        COVER STORY
                                                                WE ARE READY TO GO
                                           THE FIGHT
 THE LAST MILE                  The Republic of Korea Air Force is     BEYOND THE AGE
                                                                Ahmet Akyol, the new CEO of Aselsan
                     one of the most potent air arms in the
                      region and is backed by a formidable
                              indigenous defence industry
                                                     10         BEYOND THE SKIES
                                                                The private sector plays a major role
 ADVANCED  AGILITY                COVETED ASSETS                                         as South Korea builds up its military

                       Despite the vulnerability to anti-ar-    space capabilities
 REACHING  80% OF THE WORLD’S SHORELINES  mour weapons, main battle tanks
                          continue to be in demand across       26
 INCREASED  SURVIVABILITY  regions and play a decisive role in   NOT JUST A TANKER
                             complex battle environments
                                                                In a recent demonstration, the KC-135
                                                     14         showed it can do more in the U.S.
                                                                military’s future approach to combat
                              DESTRUCTIVE FORCE

                                       There is hectic activity in the      27
                                      anti-tank guided missiles
                                          (ATGMs) market        THE RIGHT CHOICE
                                                                Textron Systems’ Ship-to-Shore
                                                     18         Connector (SSC) supports a variety
                                                                of naval missions and is an ideal fit
                                      END OF AN ERA             for users across the Indo-Pacific
                                 The Indian Navy will retire its last
                      Ilyushin IL-38SD Long Range Maritime      28   COUNTRY FOCUS
                        Reconnaissance aircraft in October
                                                                FUELLING GROWTH
                                                    20          Defence establishments in South
                                                                Korea have tailored export strategies
                                   HIGH POTENTIAL
 SHIP-TO-SHORE                    India and Korea are eyeing    and optimised them to the demands
                                                                of customer countries
 LEARN MORE                    export opportunities for their  CONNECTOR SSC  indigenously developed rotorcraft  33

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