Page 6 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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granted for a possible Foreign Military Sale to electronic warfare (EW) suite to replace its BAE Systems ALR-56C(V)1
the Republic of Korea for up to 25 F-35As and EW receiver and Northrop Grumman ALQ-135M jammer and the
related equipment in a deal worth an estimated ALE-47(V)1 Countermeasures set. The upgraded aircraft will also
US$5.06 billion. In July 2022, Six United States Air receive a new Mission Computer.
Force F-35 aircraft from the 356th expeditionary
fighter squadron, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, As compared to the F-35A which can carry 8.2 tonne of weapons,
arrived in Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, the F-15K can carry 10.5 tonne of weapons and also has a large
to conduct combined training with the ROKAF. combat radius/endurance of nearly 1,800 kilometers. Korean F-15Ks
This was the first time that the USAF and ROKAF also carry the Taurus KEPD 350K modular stand-off missile system,
had flown together, with both sides using 5th which has a range of approximately 500 km. Two Taurus KEPD 350K
generation fighters.
missiles which weigh approximately 1.4 tonne each can be carried
on an F-15K conferring the ROKAF with significant strike capability
Korea’s defence acquisition programme admin- against hardened targets. F-15Ks can also carry JDAM, SLAM-ER
istration (DAPA) had announced in July 2022, and Harpoon missiles.
that approval had been received to procure 20
more F-35s.The new F-35A Block IV aircraft will The ROKAF awarded Boeing a contract for 40 F-15K aircraft in April
augment Korea’s operational aircraft inventory 2002, all of which were delivered to ahead of schedule and on cost.
and enhance its air-to-air and air-to-ground Boeing received a second aircraft order for 21 F-15Ks in April 2008
self-defence capability allowing it to meet under the ROKAF’s Next Fighter II (NF II) requirement and the last
current and future threats by providing cred- aircraft on order was delivered in April, 2012. Boeing received three
ible defence capability to deter aggression in performance based logistics (PBL) contracts from DAPA in February
the region and ensure interoperability with U.S. 2022, to manage sustainment of ROKAF F-15Ks, airborne early warn-
forces. Lockheed Martin has now delivered more ing & control (AEW&C) aircraft, and Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)
than 975 F-35s with the global F-35 fleet having CH-47 Chinook helicopters.
surpassed over721,430 cumulative flight hours
The five-year contracts will improve aircraft availability by using
The ROKAF also operates a total of 61 Boeing performance data to inform logistics and supply chain management
F-15K ‘Slam Eagles’, which are planned to activities. “These agreements enhance the value of PBL contracts
remain in service through 2040 and beyond, that have delivered high mission-capable rates and improved parts
with technology insertions and upgrades forecasting and procurement of the ROKAF’s F-15K fleet for more
throughout the lifecycle. In December 2022, than a decade, and will extend benefits to the AEW&C and CH-47
Korea’s Defence Project Promotion Committee fleets as well,” said Thom Breckenridge, senior director of Far East
approved an upgrade of the ROKAF’s F-15K fleet Programmes for Boeing International Government & Defence
at an estimated cost of US$2.73 billion which
would include the retrofit of an active electroni-
cally scanned array (AESA) radar to replace the Boeing and the DAPA signed a memorandum of understanding
original AN/APG-63(V)1 radar and integrated (MOU) in April, this year, to jointly research, develop, and market
© U.S. Air Force
photo by Staff Sgt. Dwane R. Young