Page 20 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 20
Navantia would base its P75(I) collaboration with Lockheed Martin, South Korea to fully design, build,
submarine offering on its existing who also supplies the sonar suite. and deliver a submarine. This was
S80 class of submarines, the first The submarines has the capacity followed by the Korea Submarine-
of which was launched in 2021. to launch torpedoes, anti-surface III (KSS-III). South Korea is now
Navantia commissioned the S-81 missiles, and tactical land attack the world’s fifth-largest submarine
“Isaac Peral” submarine to the missiles. It can reach underwater exporter and successfully com-
Spanish Navy in the Naval Base speeds of more than 19 knots, pleted a Indonesian submarine
in Cartagena in November 2023. and dive to depth of over 300 m. overhaul project in 2004 and
“The S-80 Program represents a The S-80 class, one of the most winning a bid deliver three new
substantial technological leap for- advanced NATO conventional sub- Indonesian Navy submarines in
ward compared to its predecessor, marines, is capable of carrying out 2021.
the S-70. It boasts an Integrated a wide range of missions, including
Platform Control System and a anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine
Combat System which results warfare, intelligence gathering and The South Korean shipbuilder HD
in a high degree of automation, surveillance among others. Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is
significantly reducing the number on track to deliver the Philippine’s
of people required to operate the Apart from S-80 class, Navantia Navy’s first guided missile corvette
submarine. This project has been had also been involved in design on schedule next year. The BRP
the biggest challenge for Spanish and construction of Scorpéne class Miguel Malvar is slated to undergo
shipbuilding to date,” the Spanish of submarines together with DCNS sea trials and outfitting before being
Navy announced following the (Now Naval Group) of France, delivered to the Philippine Navy in
commissioning of the Isaac Peral. which have been exported to Chile 2025. The second warship is slated
The Isaac Peral is the first of four and Malaysia in addition to India. for delivery in 2026. The Philippines
S-80 class submarines that will be Department of National Defence
acquired by the Spanish Navy and Philippines in the Mix (DND) had inked a PHP 28 Billion
S-82 is nearing completion while contract with HHI for the acquisi-
S-83 and S-84 are in an advanced The Philippines has been eyeing tion of two brand new corvettes for
phase of construction. the procurement of a conventional the Philippine Navy in December
diesel-electric submarines for the 2021. The launching ceremony of
navy, for quite sometime now. Late BRP Miguel Malvar, the first guided
S-80 class submarines are fitted last year, it was confirmed that the missile corvette took place this
with Navantia’s BEST-AIP, an Philippines was moving ahead with June in the presence of Philippine
atmosphere-independent propul- the procurement of two conven- Secretary of National Defence
sion system based on bio-ethanol tional diesel-electric submarines, (SND) Gilberto C. Teodoro Jr. at
reforming technology, which sup- which could cost up to US$1.2
plies the ship with electrical power billion. The acquisition process is the HHI shipyard in Ulsan, South
at any depth so that it can remain expected to be concluded before Korea. “We made a special effort
underwater for weeks. The AIP 2028. Building submarine capability to attend the launching of BRP
will be installed on S-83 and S-84 is an expensive and time consum- Miguel Malvar to show our commit-
and will be incorporated into the ing proposition but will dramatically ment to work with the government
first two submarines of the series upgrade the Philippines defensive of the Republic of Korea towards
in their first overhaul. The highly posture and its ability to protect its ensuring a principled peace in the
automated S-80 submarines can Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Indo-Pacific area,” Teodoro Jr. said.
be operated by a reduced crew of The South Korean shipbuilders HD A state-of-the-art surface combatant
only 32 people without reducing its Hyundai Heavy Industries (HD HHI) measuring 118.4 meters in length
capabilities and also has space for and Hanwha Ocean are eyeing the and 14.9 meters in breadth, BRP
eight extra berths for additionally Philippine requirement closely. Miguel Malvar will have a cruising
embarked personnel. speed of 15 knots (approx 28 km/h)
and a range of 4,500 nautical miles
Hanwha Ocean built the first (8,330 km). It will be equipped with
The submarine features an inte- Korea Submarine-I (KSS-I) class advanced weapon systems such as
grated combat system and platform submarines in the late 1980s, anti-ship missiles, Vertical Launch
control system developed by subsequently participating in the Systems, and a 3D AESA radar.
Navantia Sistemas, which is prob- Korea Submarine-II (KSS-II) proj- The warship is named in honour of
ably the most advanced in the ect. The first KSS-II submarine was the Philippine independence activist
market, while its combat system delivered in August 2021, making and revolutionary General Miguel
core has been developed in Hanwha Ocean the first company in Malvar..