Page 22 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 22

Navy’s HMS Diamond, a Type
        45 destroyer, destroying multiple
        incoming attack drones using the
        Sea Viper weapons system, which
        been in service with the Royal Navy
        for more than a decade.

        Turkish Delight

        With China’s neighbours wary of its
        intent to exert its military dominance
        in the region, navies in the region
        have shown a heightened level of
        urgency to improve their shipborne
        air-defence capabilities. Japan     Waking Up                           Weapon System (CIWS), an anti-
        and South Korea are upgrading                                           ship missile defence system that
        their naval air-defence capabilities,    Although Asian navies are in the   protects Queen Elizabeth-class
        including with BMD capacity. As     lead, their counterparts in Europe,   aircraft carriers, Type 45 destroyers,
        naval defence warfare becomes       which have to deal with a higher    and other ships. The Royal Navy’s
        critical for Southeast Asian coun-  percentage of ageing legacy plat-   Sea Ceptor air defence system
        tries, many companies are eyeing    forms than Asia’s fleets, have upped   includes the CAMM missile that has
        a market share. Turkish company     their game as well.                 a range of over 25 kilometers. The
        Roketsan, which in March this year                                      service’s other shipborne defence
        conducted test firings of its National   In January this year, the U.K. gov-  systems include Sky Spotter, the
        Vertical Launch System (MİDLAS)     ernment awarded European missile    passive early warning system that
        from the indigenously produced      maker MBDA three contracts worth    uses sensors to track multiple
        TCG İstanbul frigate, is promoting   a total £405 million (US$515 mil-  targets simultaneously, the Surface
        the system in the region.           lion) to enhance the Royal Navy’s   Ship Torpedo Defence (SSTD)
                                            defences against anti-ship ballistic   that is being integrated on Type-
                                            missiles. The company will upgrade
        “Having recognised the impor-       the Aster 30 missiles onboard the   31 Inspiration-class frigates.  The
        tance of naval defence warfare for   service’s six Type 45 destroyers   navy also has the Sea Wolf short-
        Southeast Asian countries, we are   with upgraded warheads and new      range surface-to-air missile system
        striving to develop the most effec-  guidance and seeker software to    defends against sea-skimming
        tive solutions for the air defence   defeat ballistic missiles. MBDA will   and anti-ship missiles, CAMM-ER
        of the naval forces in the region,”   also provide in-service support for   (capable of hitting targets over 45
        Murat İkinci, Chief Executive       the Navy’s Sea Viper air-defence    kilometres away, and CAMM-MR,
        Officer (CEO) of Roketsan, told     system until 2029. MBDA, the prime   which has a range of over 100 km.
        GBP Aerospace & Defence. “Our       contractor for the Sea Viper system,  Other countries in Europe have
        HİSAR Air Defence Missiles and      will work with BAE Systems to       also been busy shoring up their
        SİPER Long-Range Air Defence        upgrade the radar onboard the Type  shipborne air defences. With Aster
        and Missile System product family,   45 destroyers, with full operational   missiles deployed on France’s
        when integrated with MİDLAS, can    capability expected before 2033.    and Italy’s multi-role frigates and
        be considered the most effective                                        SAMP/T air-defence systems, the
        solution in this regard. Our Close Air   As part of the plans to defend   countries announced in January
        Defence System LEVENT, another      against attacks by drones,          2023 that they would purchase
        product developed for the self-de-  the Royal Navy’s vessels will       about 700 additional Aster mis-
        fence of naval platforms, will form   receive laser weapons by 2027,    siles, including the upgraded Block
        the backbone of naval air defence   U.K. Defence Secretary Grant        1 version, for both ground-based
        systems. LEVENT will operate        Shapps said in April this year. The   and maritime air defence systems.
        using two separate launchers that   DragonFire weapon, developed by     According to MBDA, the upgraded
        can be integrated with the ship’s   MBDA in partnership with Leonardo   Aster Block 1 missiles can destroy
        sensors or move autonomously        UK and QinetiQ, will use directed   ballistic threats with a 600-kilo-
        under the direction of their own    energy to defeat aerial threats. The   meter range. As part of its plan to
        sensors and lock on to the target,”   U.K.’s shipborne defence systems   further enhance the ballistic missile
        he adds.                            also include the Phalanx Close-in   defence capabilities of the U.K.’s

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