Page 30 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 30

official delegations, including 14   indigenous defence industry, one   one related to the transfer of pro-
        defence ministers as well as more   that has grown exponentially under   duction and technology for laser
        than 15 chiefs of staff and naval   the leadership of Barzan Holdings,   guidance kits (LGK) and the other
        commanders. Visitor participation   the commercial gateway for          for collaboration in cutting-edge
        was higher than in any previous     Qatar’s domestic defence compa-     electronic warfare (EW) technology
        edition, with over 25,000 visitors   nies. The growing list of entities   to strengthen Qatar’s land forces
        attending the event.  The warships   under Barzan Holdings includes     capabilities.
        display at Hamad Port, which was    wholly owned subsidiaries Barzan
        one of the highlights of the event,   Maintenance Shield (BMS), Barzan   Unmanned Future
        featured warships from Pakistan,    Industrial Group (BIG), and Barood
        Italy, UK, Oman and two from Qatar.  Ammunition Factory, majority       Judging by the capabilities on show,
                                            owned subsidiary Qsur, as well as   it is obvious that militaries the world
                                                                                over are leaning towards unmanned
        The DIMDEX Chairman, has            BINDIG and Rheinmetall Barzan       assets. Making the biggest splash
        seen the biennial event grow        Advanced Technologies (RBAT), its   were Turkish companies, with
                                            joint ventures with Beretta Holding,
        immensely since its inception,                                          Aselsan, Havelsan, Rokestan and
        is confident that the next edition   and German technology group        Baykar among the companies that
                                            Rheinmetall, respectively.
        of the event, DIMDEX2026, will                                          exhibited unmanned land, air and
        be even more successful.  “In                                           naval vehicles. Baykar highlighted
        2008, we started with a             Barzan and its various companies    the capabilities of the TB2 drone,
                                            not only occupied pride of place at
        small number of exhibi-             the event venue but also cornered   which has achieved legendary
                                                                                status for its role in recent and
        tors. We now have over              most of the headlines. Rheinmetall   ongoing conflicts, and its even more
        200 companies at the                Barzan Advanced Technologies        powerful successor – the Bayraktar
        event. The percentage               (RBAT), which displayed count-      Akinci. Havelsan brought its Sancar
                                            er-unmanned aerial systems
        of growth has been                  (C-UAS) as well as unmanned         autonomous unmanned surface
                                                                                vessel (AUSV), designed to auton-
        massive compared to                 ground vehicles (UGVs), radars and   omously perform the duties of port/
        other exhibitions all               jammers at the show, is currently   base protection, search/rescue,
                                            working on a C-UAS system for
        over the world; we are              which it had signed a contract with   intelligence, reconnaissance, sur-
        talking about more than             the Qatar Emiri Air Force in 2023.   veillance, patrol, surface warfare,
                                                                                and mine countermeasures, and
        a 30-40% increase in                While Barzan Holdings’ Engineering   the CAKA S-KUSV, a submers-
        each edition. We are                and Systems team displayed its      ible kamikaze unmanned surface
                                            collection of unmanned surface
        confident that we are on            vehicles (USV), unmanned aerial     vehicle.
        the right track in terms            vehicles (UAV) and unmanned
        of organization as well             ground vehicles (UGV) integrated    China’s Norinco attracted attention
                                                                                with its GMR 18 Hawk UAV, GMR20
                                            systems, BMS used the inter-
        as in attracting the right          nationally acclaimed platform to    Vector UAV system, VU-T10
        kind of exhibitors. We              showcase its comprehensive main-    tracked unmanned Combat vehicle
        have been able to attract           tenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)   system and the GCR4A Swarm
                                                                                UAV System. US-based GA-SI
        big names and they keep             services, providing optimized equip-  highlighted the capabilities of the
                                            ment, life-cycle planning, logistics
        coming back because we  and spare parts management to a                 MQ9-B SeaGuardian UAS while
        provide them the right              range of military platforms.        Altinay Defense promoted the rotary
        kind of opportunities.”                                                 wing 5.5 mm armed UAV. Dearsan
                                                                                Shipyard highlighted its USV 15
                                            As in the previous edition, Turkey,   -Unmanned Surface Vehicle while
        Growing Might                       which has a significant and grow-   fellow Turkish company Robit
                                            ing relationship with Qatar in the   brought the Azab and Azat family
        In keeping with its lofty international   defence sector as well as in other   of kamikaze UAVs to the show.
        stature, DIMDEX 2024 provided       spheres, had the largest contin-
        visitors and participants a peek into   gent of companies. Turkish major   South Korean ammunition maker
                                                                                Poongsan showcased the Personal
        the future of maritime defence and   Aselsan and Barzan Holdings
        security. The event also underlined   signed two memoranda of under-    Combat Drone (PCD) and the
                                                                                Poongsan Attack Drone with Aerial
        the growing capabilities of Qatar’s   standing (MoUs) at the event,     ammunition (PAD)..

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