Page 26 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 26
Malaysia revamps defence procurement system
M alaysia is revamping military leadership to over the military aggression on
Ukraine have forced Malaysia to
its military equipment
revamp the procurement
procurement system to
its military needs.
streamline the acquisition proce- system, so that there can look for other foreign suppliers for
dure, as the government embarks be no more interference
on a mission to further enhance the from outside parties,” Traditionally, Malaysia has been
asset capabilities of the Malaysian highly dependent on international
Armed Forces (MAF). the prime minister said.
suppliers, especially from Russia,
for its defense capabilities.
The Malaysia Ministry of Defence
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar (Mindef) has been allocated
Ibrahim stressed the need for a RM19.7 billion (US$4.37 billion) in Currently, Kaula Lumpur is looking
revamp since the preparedness of the 2024 budget, an increase of at Turkiye for many of its defence
national defence asset equipment, RM2 billion compared to 2023 to requirements.
such as ships, aircraft and tanks, is initiate the procurement process for
not coordinated and in line with the new assets.
economic growth and Malaysia’s Last year, the Mindef had finalized a
geopolitical and strategic position. deal with Turkish defense company
Looking Beyond Russia Roketsan to buy 18 KaraOK-guided
“We suggest to the Punitive measures against Russia anti-tank missile systems for the
Malaysian Army.