Page 14 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 14

firms, with Boeing the incumbent sup-
                                                                                      plier to the ROKAF with four aircraft in
                                                                                      service. However, ‘Peace Eye’ production
                                                                                      ended more than 10 years ago and the
                                                                                      baseline configuration uses an airframe
                                                                                      and radar combination that is obsolete
                                                                                      and out of production and IAI’s Compact
                                                                                      AEW system is also based on an older
                                                                                      Gulfstream 550 airframe.
                                                                                      GlobalEye  combines  Saab’s  all-new
                                                                                      Erieye-ER  S-band  AESA  radar  (which
                                                                                      uses Gallium Nitride technology) along
                                                                                      with  additional  sensors  installed  on
                                                                                      Bombardier’s  ultra-long  range  Global
                                                                                      6000 aircraft. At some point in the future,
                                                                                      Saab will transition to the newer Global
                                                                                      6500, to ensure that GlobalEye continues
                                                                                      on new-build airframes. The Erieye-ER
                                                                                      multi-mode,  multi-domain  radar  can
        SAAB POSITIONS                                                                perform simultaneous long-range surveil-
                                                                                      lance and detection in the air, over land
        GLOBALEYE FOR                                                                 and on sea all at the same time, which
                                                                                      makes the GlobalEye far more than a
                                                                                      ‘simple’  AEW  platform.  The  Erieye-ER
        ROKAF AEW-2 NEED                                                              radar can track thousands of complex tar-
                                                                                      gets at once, including ‘stealthy’ aircraft,

                                                                                      slow targets, such as cruise missiles and
        Saab’s  GlobalEye  multi-role  airborne   posals (RFP) will be issued in December   very high speed missiles and low-and-
        surveillance system is being proposed   2021, possibly leading to a contract in   hovering helicopters. The S-band radar
        by the Swedish firm as the best solution   late 2022.  The Swedish firm has made   is also highly resistant to jamming, which
        to meet the Republic of Korea Air Force’s   no secret of its willingness to meet the   Saab believes is a key consideration for
        (ROKAF) Airborne Early Warning 2 (AEW-  ROKAF’s  requirement  for  a  next-gen-  South Korea.
        2)  requirement  need.    The  ROKAF’s   eration surveillance system.  “Our main
        AEW-2 programme aims to augment and    focus continues to be GlobalEye for the   Amongst  the  other  sensors  aboard
        could also potentially replace its existing   ROKAF’s pending AEW-2 requirement,” a   are Leonardo’s Sea Spray 7500E mar-
        fleet of Boeing 737 ‘Peace Eye’ AEW air-  company official tells Daily News, adding   itime surveillance radar, electro-optics,
        craft. Korea’s Defence Acquisition Agency   that Saab has promoted the GlobalEye in   ELINT/SIGINT  plus  communications,
        (DAPA) has initiated the programme with   Korea for several years and emphasised   datalinks and self-defence equipment.
        an  approximate  budget  of  KRW1.334   the fact that the aircraft can be reliably   The GlobalEye has multiple networking
        trillion and noted that it expects a com-  delivered from an active production line.    and communications options, including
        petitive  procurement  from  a  foreign   Saab notes that the GlobalEye delivers   SATCOMs, and can be datalinked with
        supplier. The project is viewed as a high   capabilities beyond any other in-service   any national or international system (such
        priority for the ROKAF, which needs to   AEW&C platform and is both sophisti-  as Link 16 or Korea’s own datalinks now
        upgrade its surveillance capabilities.   cated and simple to maintain and operate.   under development). The final configu-
                                               The company has demonstrated to many   ration of each aircraft will be defined by
        “THERE IS AN IMPORTANT                 of its customers in the past, a proven abil-  the customer and Saab can adopt and
        OPPORTUNITY TO WORK                    ity to offer high-end military equipment   integrate Korean systems and technology
                                                                                      into GlobalEye, as required.
        TOGETHER ON SAAB’S                     and technologies at a competitive price,
        GLOBALEYE ADVANCED                     while meeting long-term commitments    The GlobalEye programme was initiated
                                               for maintenance and support, allowing it
        AEW&C SYSTEM; A NEXT-                  to cater to the requirements from nations   in November 2015 with an order from
        GENERATION STRATEGIC                   that desire a greater sovereign capability,   the  United  Arab  Emirates  which  now
                                                                                      has three of the type in service and two
        CAPABILITY WHICH CAN                   which is possible due to Sweden’s non-  more on order. The UAE received its first
                                               aligned status.
        REVOLUTIONIZE KOREA’S                                                         aircraft April 2020 and added two more
        ABILITY TO PROTECT ITS                 A multi-domain surveillance asset capa-  aircraft by February 2021. The UAE Air
        TERRITORY IN EVERY                     ble of working across air, land and sea, all  Force refers to its aircraft as the ‘Swing
                                               at the same time, the GlobalEye system  Role Surveillance System’, underlining
        DOMAIN,” Håkan Borin, Head of          represents the future of Airborne Early  its unique multi-domain capabilities. In
        Saab Korea told Daily News prior to the   Warning  &  Control  (AEW&C),  going  September  2021  Sweden  confirmed
        commencement of the airshow.           beyond the limitations of today’s aging,  that  it  would  also  acquire  GlobalEye
                                               single-role, legacy platforms which are  as its next-generation AEW&C system
        Korean procurement plans call for the  expensive to procure and operate. Saab  and Saab has offered two GlobalEyes
        acquisition of two additional aircraft and  will  face  competition  for  the  Korean  to Finland as part of the HX fighter pro-
        Saab anticipates that request for pro-  AEW-2 requirement from U.S. and Israeli  gramme there.

        14 | OCTOBER 19, 2021                                                        WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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