Page 10 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 1 - Online Magazine
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The aircraft is equipped with state-of-
...Cont’d from page 9 the-art technology, such as the unique
EMBRAER CONFIDENT ABOUT combination of a human/machine inter-
KC-390’S EXPORT POTENTIAL face (HMI) with a full fly-by-wire (FBW)
control system, which significantly
reduces crew workload. The enhanced
Some of KC-390’s strengths are mobility, situational awareness that HMI delivers
robust design, greater flexibility, proven also helps protect the safety of the crew
state-of-the-art technology and easier during the missions. The aircraft also
maintenance. The aircraft flies faster features advanced mission software to
and carries more cargo than other mili- provide total control over the mission sce-
tary cargo aircraft of the same size and nario to the crew, while a fully integrated
is the ideal platform for all major usage Onboard Maintenance System (OMS)
scenarios. looks after the health of the aircraft itself.
In terms of aerial delivery, advanced avi-
They require less inspection and mainte- onics enable the crew to calculate an air
nance and have highly reliable systems release point with exceptional precision.
transport aircraft at ADEX 2021. The and components, thus reducing aircraft
multi-mission aircraft, which was devel- ground time and overall operating costs. The KC-390 can deliver more payload
oped for the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) One of the standout features of the C-390 much faster than any other airplane in
to replace the aging C-130, has already is that the internal and external configu- the medium airlift market; it has a max-
secured two export buyers in Portugal, ration of the aircraft can be quickly and imum payload (concentrated) of 26
the first international customer and easily changed to accommodate differ- metric tons and has a cruising speed of
Hungary. Company officials are confi- ent needs: aerial assault; aerial resupply; 0.8 Mach, thanks to its twin IAE V2500
dent about the aircraft’s export potential aerial firefighting; aeromedical evacuation jet engines. The aircraft also has a range
as they believe it provides militaries an (stretchers and ICUs); humanitarian aid of 3,370 miles. In July this year, Embraer
opportunity to acquire vital airlift capa- support; search and rescue; and special announced on Twitter that it had started
bilities at an affordable cost. operations. The aircraft can carry up to carrying out a test campaign to validate
The Portuguese Air Force (FAP), which 80 troops (or 66 paratroopers) or accom- the capabilities of the aircraft to operate
ordered five KC-390s for US$930 million modate up to 74 stretchers and eight on unpaved runways.
in 2019, commenced training on the air- attendants. It can also be configured to The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), which
craft in Anapolis, Brazil, this September. accommodate seven 463L pallets, a com- took delivery of the first KC-390 in 2019,
The aircraft are expected to be delivered bination of pallets and troops, or carry currently has four of the type. The air-
in 2023. Hungary has signed a contract light tanks, vehicles or helicopters. The craft have exceeded 3,650 flight hours
with Embraer for two KC-390s and C-390 can also be reconfigured as both in operation and was extensively used to
expect to take delivery of the aircraft in a tanker and receiver aircraft for in-flight transport equipment and medical sup-
2023-24. refuelling, by day or by night. plies in Brazil during the Covid-19 crisis.
top military and defense officials, includ-
...Cont’d from page 1 ing defense ministers, from 45 countries.
DOMESTIC DEFENCE INDUSTRY TO THE FORE With travel restrictions still in place due to
the pandemic, international participation
fighter that was unveiled in April this will be showing latest technologies and at the event has been impacted, but there
year. The country will also showcase capabilities. is enough quality on display to make up
various unmanned military systems for A possible development at the at the for that. To ensure the smooth conduct of
aerial, ground and maritime operations biennial event is an update on Republic the event and the safety of participants,
that are produced domestically. With of Korea Air Force’s (RoKAF) plans to buy the event organizers have strict anti-vi-
the event taking place in the backdrop another 40 Lockheed Martin-built F-35s. rus measures in place, including providing
of South Korea becoming the sixth big- As many as 440 companies from 28 coun- entry to the exhibition site only to those
gest exporter of arms in 2020, domestic tries are exhibiting their products at the who are fully vaccinated or have negative
companies will be eager to maximise their event that will be attended by about 300 COVID-19 tests.
chances of further expanding their global
Apart from products and capabilities
of local firms, ADEX 2021 will also have
cutting-edge military hardware from
international companies, many of them
reputed and some striving to make their
mark in the sector. Given the close military
ties between the two countries and the
fact that South Korea is a major importer
of U.S. arms, a large contingent of U.S.
companies, including Boeing, Lockheed
Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman