Page 6 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 6

“OUR AIM IS TO FORTIFY                                                        to raise their profile on the international
                                                                                      stage. With Barzan Holdings, the com-
        QATAR’S DEFENCE INFRA”                                                        mercial gateway of the country’s defence
                                                                                      and security industry, playing a major role
                                                                                      at DIMDEX 2022 as Strategic Partner and
                                                                                      Gold Sponsor, I expect local companies
        Interview: Staff Brigadier (Sea) Abdulbaqi Al-Ansari,                         to experience major success, during the
        Chairman of DIMDEX                                                            event and in the future.

        The ongoing seventh edition of DIMDEX   What, in your opinion, has            How satisfied are you with
        provides a golden opportunity for  Qatar’s   been the contribution of         the growth of the event
        domestic defence and security sector to   previous editions of DIMDEX  since the inaugural edition
        showcase its growing prowess and to    to the notable growth of               in 2008?
        establish or strengthen ties with major
        global players, says  Staff  Brigadier  Qatar’s domestic defence
        (Sea) Abdulbaqi Al-Ansari, Chairman  and security sector?                     The size and scope of DIMDEX has grown
        of DIMDEX.                             DIMDEX is undoubtedly one of the pri-  immeasurably since the inaugural edition
                                                                                      in 2008. The biennial event is now inter-
                                               mary catalysts for the speedy growth of   nationally renowned as a comprehensive
        “PARTNERSHIP WITH GLOBAL               Qatar’s indigenous defence and security   platform for various branches of the mil-
        PLAYERS IS AT THE HEART                sector. Qatar remains firmly committed   itary, one where the latest products and
        OF QATAR’S PLANS FOR THE               to localization of defence production.   technologies in the land, air, sea, and

        LOCAL DEFENCE INDUSTRY,”               Previous editions of the event have    cyberspace domains are showcased.
                                               resulted in numerous collaborative part-
        says Staff Brigadier (Sea) Al-Ansari.   nerships between domestic companies   For international and domestic exhibitors,
        “I AM CONFIDENT THAT                   and their international counterparts.   DIMDEX provides a priceless opportunity
                                                                                      to make their presence felt in one of the
        WITH DIMDEX 2022, WE                   Deals totaling over USD32 billion have   fastest growing markets in the world. The
        WILL BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE                been signed, many of them involving local   ongoing edition assumes additional sig-
        OUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE                  companies.                             nificance given the strong post-COVID-19
        OF FURTHER ENHANCING                   There have been other benefits as well   recovery made by the international secu-
                                                                                      rity and defence community, and the
        QATAR’S MILITARY STRENGTH              for the indigenous defence industry. The   investments being made by many coun-
        AND FORTIFYING ITS DEFENCE             exposure and experience domestic com-  tries to improve their military capabilities.
        INFRASTRUCTURE.”                       panies have gained from being a part of
                                               such a prestigious event have helped  What are some of the new

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