Page 7 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
P. 7

Day 1

        features of DIMDEX 2022?               number of first-time                   success to the tune of about USD800
        To start with, the exhibition area has been  participants.                    million in orders. I am confident that the

        expanded and now covers 35,000 sqm.                                           current edition will witness a considerable
        This provides exhibitors ample space to   Yes, we are delighted that companies   number of high-value agreements involv-
        showcase latest technological innova-  from all over the world are eager to be   ing Qatar and Turkey. More importantly,
        tions and network with top military officials   associated with the event. While many   DIMDEX 2022 will see the two countries
        and other key decision makers from Qatar   companies that attended previous edi-  continuing to enhance mutual coopera-
        as well as other countries. Judging by the   tions have returned, we also have a   tion and dialogue.
        variety of  exhibitors that are here, the     sizable  number  of  firms,  both  domes-
        event is one of the most diverse in terms   tic and international, that are attending  How satisfied are you
        of the variety of products and capabilities   DIMDEX for the first time. The incredible   with the response from
        that are on display. We have 14 country   scope for commercial success in terms of   sponsors?
        pavilions. A wide range of product show-  deals is something that has helped raise
        cases, including anti-piracy systems,   DIMDEX’s international stature.
        C5iSR systems, AI software, electronic   I would also like to point out that four   We are delighted that DIMDEX 2022
        warfare and intelligence, autonomous   countries – Croatia, South Korea, Jordan,   has attracted a glittering array of spon-
        systems, as well as  advanced weaponry   and Iran – are attending DIMDEX for the   sors. Barzan Holdings, which promotes
        such as precision-guided munitions for   first time. We will continue to work hard   the growth of the Qatar’s indigenous
        naval, land, and air forces are on display.   to  make the event bigger and better with   defence industry by facilitating interna-
        For visitors and participants, the event   each edition.                      tional collaborations, is Strategic Partner
        also offers a great chance to learn more                                      of DIMDEX 2022 and also Gold Sponsor.
        about defence interoperability solutions,   There is a strong contingent      Leading shipbuilder Fincantieri and mis-
        the buzzword in modern military cir-   of Turkish companies at the            sile systems developer MBDA have
        cles. Among the other main attractions                                        returned as Diamond Sponsor and Gold
        of the event is the Middle East Naval  show.                                  Sponsor respectively. Dukhan Bank, the
        Commanders Conference, which will take                                        largest shari’ah-compliant bank in the
        place tomorrow, and the ever-popular  We are excited to host the best of      country, is Silver Sponsor while Mwani
        Visiting Warships Display at Hamad Port.  Turkey’s defence industry once again   Qatar, which manages the nation’s sea-
        Another key feature of DIMDEX 2022  and to play a small but significant role in   ports and shipping terminals, is bronze
        is the Delegation Management System  bringing two trusted partners even closer.   sponsor. We owe a lot of our success and
        (DMS), a comprehensive online portal by  The symbiotic partnership between Qatar   growth over the years to the unstinting
        which exhibitors can request face to face  and Turkey goes far beyond commercial   support we have received from sponsors.
        meetings with VIP Delegations.         deals. Turkey is a key regional partner
                                               and has played a significant role in Qatar   What is your message for
        It is noteworthy that                  enhancing its defence capabilities. In the   DIMDEX 2022 exhibitors
        DIMDEX 2022 has been                   previous edition of DIMDEX, more than   and visitors?
                                               30 Turkish firms showcased a variety of
        able to attract a significant          capabilities and achieved commercial
                                                                                      Qatar is ready for investment.  We are
                                                                                      always looking to improve for ways to
                                                                                      update our armaments and to adapt our
                                                                                      capabilities in tune with modern battle-
                                                                                      field  requirements.  With  the  country’s
                                                                                      armed forces modernization plan being
                                                                                      accorded top priority, there will be plenty
                                                                                      of opportunities for established as well as
                                                                                      new companies to partner with Qatar on
                                                                                      various projects. I am also confident that
                                                                                      the military modernization program will
                                                                                      further speed up the impressive growth
                                                                                      of Qatar’s domestic defence industry
                                                                                      through the setting up of joint ventures
                                                                                      and transfer of military technology. I hope
                                                                                      that visitors will utilize this opportunity not
                                                                                      only to get a firsthand view of some of
                                                                                      the latest military technologies but also
                                                                                      to see the progress Qatar’s domestic
                                                                                      defence and security companies have
                                                                                      made in recent years.

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