Page 10 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
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to deliver maintenance and support for the
centre’s aircraft fleet and simulators. The
IFTS is a prime example of international
collaboration and synergy, satisfying
the growing demands from Italy and its
allies for pilot training. The project brings
together the Italian Air Force’s expertise
and tradition of high-quality training with
Leonardo’s advanced capabilities in the
training sector.
The decision of the Qatari Air Force to
send their pilots to train in Italy at the IFTS
is a vote of confidence in the school and
highlights the potential of this ambitious
international project.
The IFTS, currently based at Galatina,
will move to Decimomannu Air Base
(Sardinia), where a new and innovative
dedicated “Air Training Campus” is taking
shape and will be operational from the
second semester 2022.
This brand-new campus is designed
around the student needs to fully exploit
the IFTS capabilities and will include the
Ground Based Training System (GBTS),
Hangars, new lodges with dedicated can-
teen, Wi-Fi, gym and swimming pool to
create the most favorable conditions for
QATARI FIGHTER PILOTS the IFTS students. Decimomannu fea-
tures two runways, dedicated air training
TRAINING IN ITALY areas, proximity to live ranges, plus favor-
able and predictable weather conditions
all around the year.
Qatar Emiri Air Force pilots have valuable resources and includes, in addi-
embarked on the final stage of their tion to the qualification and basic training,
advanced/lead-in fighter training at the following modules: Air to Air, Advanced
the International Flight Training School Air to Air, Air to Ground, Live Range, Air to
(IFTS). IFTS capitalizes on the modular Air Refueling, Night NVG. With the out-
and versatile ItAF Lead-In Fighter Training standing T-346 performance, advanced
(LIFT) syllabus, based on the innovative avionics, and full suite of embedded sim-
T-346A Integrated Training System (ITS). ulation, the Phase IV syllabus used by
It is currently located at Galatina Air IFTS brings the Qatari pilots to a level of
Base in Italy where the high-perfor- airmanship and skills not achievable with
mance aircraft T-346A, as well as a fully any other training system.
integrated and interconnected Ground
Based Training System (GBTS), including The IFTS is a strategic collabora-
two Full Mission Simulators (FMS), are tion between the Italian Air Force and
in operation using state-of-the-art Live Leonardo, the Italian-headquartered
Virtual Constructive (LVC) technology. global defense and security company. An
The Phase IV syllabus implemented in advanced flight training centre, the IFTS
IFTS has been specifically designed to aims to be an international benchmark
improve the teaching effectiveness during for military pilot training, particularly for
the LIFT phases of training. Phase IV training (advanced/lead-in to
fighter training). The initiative includes an
The IFTS syllabus enables the download industrial partnership between Leonardo
of training from the OCU saving time and and simulation technology provider CAE Photograph Credit to ITAF
10 DIMDEX 2022