Page 6 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 6

INVERIS SHOWCASES VIRTUAL                                                     and other militaries. Trainees experience
                                                                                      photorealistic 3D terrain and 3D targets
        TRAINING SOLUTIONS                                                            with natural occultation and high-fidelity

        InVeris Training Solutions (formerly  Armed  Forces  ‘Project  401  &  Brouq  –   environmental effects creating an all-en-
                                                                                      compassing immersive training platform.
        Meggitt Training Systems) a world  Integrated Training Center,’ which is being   Also being highlighted is InVeris’ patented
        leader in integrated live-fire and virtual  developed to international standards for   wireless BlueFire direct and indirect
        weapons training systems which has an  Special Forces (SF) training. The FATS   weapons training system which also sup-
        existing presence in Qatar, is displaying  100MIL virtual training system provides   ports training with machinegun and rocket
        its FATS 100MIL virtual training system  combined 3D marksmanship with collec-  simulators. It offers collective training in
        with  InVeris’  patented  BlueFire  weap-  tive and judgmental training and is in use   tactical environments with VBS (Virtual
        ons at the ongoing show. InVeris is also  with the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps,   Battlespace) 3-based training mode,
        supplying training systems for the Qatar  U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy systems   which allows training on three screens
                                                                                      with panoramic views,  using  existing
                                                                                      weapons and courseware. A continually
                                                                                      expanding firearms library now includes
                                                                                      over 300 variants including Glock, Sig,
                                                                                      S&W, GLX, Browning, H&K, Taser, Beretta
                                                                                      as also heavier weapons such as M249,
                                                                                      M240, M2 .50cal, Mk19, M72, AT4 and
                                                                                      Carl Gustav rockets. The BlueFire train-
                                                                                      ing system also provides After-Action
                                                                                      Review (AAR) of engagements and shot
                                                                                      assessment in a 3D virtual environment,
                                                                                      while providing detailed trainee diagnos-
                                                                                      tics for skill reinforcement or correction
                                                                                      Judgmental training tolerances within 10
                                                                                      per cent of live weapon weight and center
                                                                                      of gravity provides the highest degree of
                                                                                      weapon control and feedback.

        QATAR DEVELOPS C2 SOFTWARE                                                    support advanced operational functions

        DELIVERS CAPABILITY UPGRADE                                                   compliant with ISTAR practises and
                                                                                      military tactical planning capabilities
                                                                                      compliant with NATO standards.  Miles
                                                                                      Lalor, Director of Business Development
                                                                                      at RBAT, said, “The open architecture
                                                                                      of the software as well as the agnostic
                                                                                      approach of the development ensure
                                                                                      that the security and defence services
                                                                                      in Qatar, have the freedom to select the
                                                                                      best-of-the-breed in terms of sensors or
                                                                                      In addition, as requirements change, the
        An indigenous Command and Control  control system providing secured, accu-    systems generated can easily be updated
        (C2) software, developed completely in  rate,  complete  and  timely  information  compared to the control that foreign com-
        Qatar by Rheinmetall Barzan Advanced  for the operational chain of command,”  mand and control software providers
        Technologies (RBAT) is now being made  said Mourad Elmaalaoui, RBAT’s Chief  seek control over the solution.”
        available to security and defence custom-  Technology Officer. “The national com-
        ers within the nation. The C2 system is  mand and control system can be applied  Multi-language support ensures that
        on display at the ongoing DIMDEX and  to multiple operational needs with the  the software can be applied to various
        provides an overall situation awareness  same functionality, such as target acqui-  use cases, including but not limited to:
        over the operators customizable 2D and  sition for UGVs which can be repackaged  Unmanned  Ground  Vehicles  (UGV),
        3D Common Operation Picture Display.   for various applications, such as camp  Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV),
                                               protection or anti-drone needs.”       Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), loitering
        “RBAT is delighted to have strengthened                                       munitions, CBRNE needs, persistent sur-
        the sovereignty of the State of Qatar  The AI based algorithms embedded in  veillance, anti-drone solutions and camp
        by developing a national command and  the software for accuracy improvement,  protection.
        6                                                                                                 DIMDEX 2022
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