Page 16 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 16

The missile, which is able to hit targets
                                                                                      accurately with its inertial guidance
                                                                                      system or its GNSS supported inertial
                                                                                      guidance system, is 610 mm in diameter
        ROKETSAN COMES                                                                80-280 km, the system has a warhead
                                                                                      and weighs 2,500 kg. Having a range of
                                                                                      weight of 470 kg and provides long-
        OUT ALL GUNS                                                                  range precision strike capability against a
                                                                                      number of targets, including Artillery and
                                                                                      air defence systems, radar sites, assem-
        BLAZING WITH                                                                  bly areas, logistic facilities,C2 facilities
                                                                                      and other high priority targets.

        “READY TO FIRE”                                                               According to company officials, the mis-
                                                                                      sile can be launched from the KHAN
                                                                                      Weapon System and the Multi-Barrel
        KHAN MISSILE                                                                  Rocket Launcher (MBRL) produced by
                                                                                      Roketsan. The company can also inte-
                                                                                      grate the missile into the other tactical
                                                                                      wheeled vehicle platforms with integra-
        Leading  Turkish  missile  manufacturer  payoff targets within the area of influence  tion-compatible interfaces.
        Roketsan is confident about the market  of the army. The missile, which entered
        potential of its KHAN artillery missile  the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces  Combat  proven  and  ready  to  fire  in  a
        system that it has showcased at DIMDEX  (TAF) in 2014, has made a name for itself  short time, KHAN, which “is reassuring
        2022, which got underway in in Doha,  in military circles for its range, firing pre-  for allies and spreads fear among ene-
        Qatar, today.                          cision and effectiveness. According to  mies,” is equipped with anti-jamming and
                                               company officials, the missile can provide  anti-spoofing  solutions.    Designed  for
        Designed  and  produced  by  Roketsan,  sustained and effective firepower and is  24/7 all weather/terrain usage, the missile
        KHAN is a ground-to-ground missile that  a 24/7 “ready to fire” system that can be  ensures low collateral damage because
        is able to provide mass fire power on high  used in any weather or on any terrain.  of its  high accuracy.

        16                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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