Page 20 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 20


        Turkish defence firm Meteksan Defence  of different requirements,” they said.
        is turning heads at the ongoing show by  Among the different capabilities and sys-
        unveiling new products, including the  tems that the company is highlighting at
        ULAQ Anti-Submarine Warfare Vehicle,  the ongoing show are the Milsar UAV SAR/
        the  ULAQ Anti-Surface Warfare Vehicle,  MTI Radar, the Kapan Counter Drone
        and the 6×6 Mobile Coastal Control  System, The Nazar Laser Electronic
        Station.                               Warfare System, and the Pelikan RF
        The Anti-Submarine Warfare Vehicle,  Guided Missile Simulator. The company,
        which is among the products in the ULAQ  established in 2006, has in recent years   tion, our success in a field where very few
        family of unmanned vehicles, has been  exported its systems to naval forces in   countries are working on in the world,
        developed jointly with ARES Shipyard.  the Gulf, Asian and African countries.  such as NAZAR Laser Electronic Warfare
        In May last year, ULAQ made history by  “…we have developed unique and        System, indicates us the point we have
        successfully destroying its target by firing  advanced technology solutions for the   reached as Meteksan Defence.”
        a missile; it was the first instance of an  Naval Forces, especially in underwa-  The  company  operates  in  six  fields:
        Unmanned Surface Vehicle displaying  ter acoustics and platform simulators,  Radar Systems, Perimeter Surveillance
        such capabilities. The weapon is designed  and we have achieved the success of  Systems, Laser and Electro-Optic
        to guard sea borders, naval bases, ports  making them available to many different  Systems, Communication Systems,
        and critical facilities.               countries,” said Selcuk Kerem Alparslan,  Underwater Acoustic Systems, and
        In January, Utku Alanç, General Manager  President  of  Meteksan  Defence.  “Our  Platform Simulators. Its products are
        of ARES Shipyard, and Selçuk Kerem  Damage Control Simulator has been pre-    used for command control, communi-
        Alparslan, President of Meteksan Defense,  ferred by four different countries and we  cations, reconnaissance, surveillance,
        jointly announced that the companies had  have become the world leader in this field.  and intelligence purposes. According to
        successfully completed all tests, including  “Yakamos 2020 Hull Mounted Sonar  the company, the products are used on
        the firing tests with the 12.7mm weapon  System has been exported to two more  many platforms, especially for surface
        system of the ULAQ-AUSV. The compa-    countries after it was started to be used  and underwater platforms, helicopters,
        nies would continue working to integrate  in the MILGEM Corvettes of the Turkish  unmanned aerial vehicles, and missile
        new systems to ULAQ “within the scope  Naval Forces,” Alparslan  added  “In addi-  systems.

        AIRBUS HIGHLIGHTING                                                           moments,” says Bouri.

                                                                                      “DIMDEX is also a venue for us to show
        COMMUNICATION                                                                 our  commitment  to  Qatar’s  efforts  to
                                                                                      secure its maritime domain and ensure
        SOLUTIONS FOR MARITIME                                                        freedom of navigation.”
        AND DEFENCE INDUSTRIES                                                        Airbus Secure Land Communications

                                                                                      recently partnered with Wearin’, a divi-
        Airbus Secure Land Communications  East, Africa and Asia Pacific for Airbus   sion of Conextivity Group that provides
        is promoting its mission-critical collab-  Secure Land Communications, DIMDEX   connected wearables for workers’ safety
        oration and  communication solutions  2022 provides the company an ideal      and performance. The MoU signed by
        for the maritime and defence industries,  opportunity to highlight Airbus’ breadth   the two companies will pave the way for
        including Tactilon Agnet, TACTEAM and  of expertise and capabilities before   the integration of Airbus’ Tactilon Agnet
        Workflowmanagement, at the ongoing  stakeholders  in  Qatar  and  the  region.   collaboration platform with Wearin’s IoT-
        show.                                  At the show, the company  is focusing   driven wearable sensors.
                                               on  demonstrating how its solutions can
        According to Selim Bouri, Head of Middle  improve collaboration, which are crucial
                                               to  any  nation’s  overarching  maritime   Airbus’ Tactilon Agnet allows end-to-end
                                               security and defence strategies.       secure instant sharing of information with
                                                                                      a defined group of people at the push of
                                                                                      a button. It can run on a wide range of
                                               “Our technologies are equipped with reli-  devices such as regular iOS and Android
                                               able modern functionalities to keep our  smartphones, radios, and special gadgets
                                               security forces connected at all times,  and gears. Business- and mission-critical
                                               enabling them to safely communicate  users, including first responders, utilize
                                               and coordinate, especially during critical  the platform.
        20                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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