Page 22 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 22

GA-ASI CELEBRATES                                                             pany won its first major program award

                                                                                      for the Predator® RPA from the U.S. Joint
        30 YEARS OF UAS                                                               Program Office, which was later trans-
                                                                                      ferred to the U.S. Air Force.
                                                                                      The Predator line has evolved to include
        INNOVATION                                                                    an impressive array of aircraft, including
                                                                                      Reaper, Gray Eagle Extended Range,
                                                                                      SkyGuardian®/SeaGuardian®, and the
        With more than 1,000 aircraft delivered  IMPORTANT WORK WE’VE                 jet-powered Avenger®. In December
        and 7 million flight hours logged by its   DONE, AND FOCUSED ON               2021, GA-ASI announced a new class of
        U.S. and allied partners across its fleet of   EVOLVING TO DELIVER            expeditionary UAS with short-takeoff and
        Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), General                                      landing capability called Mojave.
        Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA- CRITICAL AND INNOVATIVE
        ASI) is celebrating 30 years of excellence  CAPABILITIES FOR THE              “Every day, we embrace our company mis-
        in 2022.                               FUTURE.”                               sion, which is to develop transformational
                                                                                      technologies that deliver game-changing
                                                                                      results,” said Alexander. “As proud as we
        “THIRTY YEARS IS AN                    Headquartered in Poway, California,  are of our first 30 years in business, we’re
        IMPORTANT MILESTONE,” said             GA-ASI is showcasing its MQ-9B  even more excited to see what the future
        GA-ASI President David R. Alexander.   SeaGuardian at the ongoing DIMDEX  holds.”
        “WE’RE PROUD TO HAVE                   2022. The company employs more than
                                               9,000 people in a business that spans  GA-ASI produces the most com-
        MADE AN IMPORTANT                      multiple facilities in San Diego, the Mojave  bat-proven RPA in the world, delivering
        CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL                 Desert, Arizona, Utah, North Dakota, and  robust Intelligence, Surveillance and
        SECURITY AND BECOME A                  others adjacent to various customer  Reconnaissance (ISR) data and for-
        TRUSTED SUPPLIER TO ALLIED             locations across the United States and  midable strike capabilities. GA-ASI’s
                                                                                      long-endurance, mission-capable RPA,
                                               around the world.
        FORCES THROUGHOUT                                                             with integrated sensors and data link
        THE WORLD. AS WE                       Established as a business on April 28,  systems, deliver persistent situational
        APPROACH THE ANNUAL                    1992,  GA-ASI  won  its  first  contract  awareness and enable information dom-
        AFA WARFARE SYMPOSIUM,                 award that same year for six GNAT®-750  inance in every domain. Every minute of
                                               Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for the  every day, nearly 70 GA-ASI aircraft are
        WE’RE REFLECTING ON THE                Turkish government. In 1994, the com-  airborne.

        22                                                                                                DIMDEX 2022
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