Page 4 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 3 - Online Magazine
P. 4
Leonardo concluded an agreement with
the Qatari Emiri Naval Forces (QENF) at
the ongoing DIMDEX to develop a Naval
Operation Centre for coordinating oper-
ations at sea. The new NOC will allow the
QENF to monitor and control Qatar’s ter-
ritorial waters, Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) and adjacent waters. Importantly,
the sophisticated new NOC will provide
the QENF with full at sea situational
awareness, covering all spectrum of secu-
rity, to support decisions and enhance
cooperation with other national agencies
in charge of maritime security.
QENF will thus have a full integrated situa-
tional awareness to support all operational
and tactical stakeholders’ decision-mak-
ing process and rapid interventions along
the entire chain of command. Under the
terms of the agreement, Leonardo will
develop the NOC to provide command,
control and coordination of operations at
sea allowing the armed forces of Qatar
to carry out integrated monitoring by MBDA’s current programmes and activ- ence in the country dates back nearly 25
exploiting the high level of cooperation ities in Qatar. The Centre leverages on years and the company has emerged as
between all the sensors installed on the innovative systems and technologies a major partner for Qatar in the maritime
field. as well as the full integration of air and domain and as a combat system integra-
The agreement falls in the framework of maritime components. Leonardo’s pres- tor for the QENF’s new ships.
THeMIS COMBAT UGV ered and in use around the globe.
The multi-mission THeMIS UGV is in use
ON DISPLAY in 12 countries, including several NATO
members such as Estonia, France,
Germany, Norway, the UK, and the US.
THeMIS Combat systems are being
Europe’s leading robotics and autono- The UGV on display at DIMDEX features fielded in several countries, the latest
mous systems developer Milrem Robotics the THeMIS platform integrated with the delivery was to the Royal Thai Army.
is showcasing its THeMIS Combat world’s most fielded Remote Weapon
Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). System KONGSBERG’s PROTECTOR “The THeMIS has been extensively tested
THeMIS Combat UGVs provide direct fire RS4 with more than 20 000 units deliv- in various climates, including 12 months
support for manoeuvre forces and act in the harsh conditions of Mali where
as a force multiplier. With an integrated the system supported soldiers during
self-stabilizing remote-controlled weapon the French-led anti-insurgency opera-
system, they provide high precision over tion Barkhane. This makes the system
wide areas, day and night, increasing uniquely qualified for deployment in the
stand-off distance, force protection, and armies of the Gulf region that are actively
survivability for dismounted soldiers, a becoming more innovative and looking to
company spokesman said. benefit from unmanned systems,” said
THeMIS Combat UGVs can be equipped Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.
with light or heavy machine guns, 40 mm In Mali, the THeMIS travelled 1200 km in
grenade launchers, Anti-Tank Missile extreme weather conditions and remained
Systems, loitering munition, etc. operative for more than 330 hours.
4 DIMDEX 2022