Page 6 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 3 - Online Magazine
P. 6
MRO Center in the country.
“We are honored to work hand in hand
with our valued partner BMS to extend
our support and commitment to our
valued clients in Qatar through our MRO
Center,” said Prof. Dr. Haluk GÖRGÜN –
Aselsan Chairman, President and CEO.
“With this endeavor to work jointly, we
aim to extend our deep expertise in com-
prehensive engineering activities to the
disposal of our Qatari clients when and
where needed around the clock”
“Barzan Holdings is committed to revo-
lutionizing Qatar’s defense and security
apparatus and empowering the Qatar
Armed Forces through collaborative
partnerships with leading international
defense companies and organizations,
bringing expertise of the highest stan-
dard and localizing it to achieve Qatar’s
domestic goals,“ said Abdullah Hassan Al
Khater, Vice President and Chief Strategic
Procurement Officer, Barzan Holdings.
ASELSAN AND BARZAN “We are delighted to be partnering with
Aselsan to further expand our capabili-
ties in the sector by drawing on Aselsan’s
MAINTENANCE SHIELD well-established industry expertise.”
INK MRO SERVICES DEAL (BMS), a wholly owned Barzan Holdings
subsidiary, is a local commercial leader
and one-stop solution for all main-
On the second day of the ongoing of Aselsan systems fitted onto the fighting tenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
DIMDEX 2022, Turkish defence major and armored vehicles that are currently in services across the Qatari security and بيردتلا لولح ضرعت InVeris ةكرش
Aselsan signed a contract and a Letter service of the Qatar Armed Forces. With defense sector. BMS lkeads all commer-
of Intent (LOI) with Barzan Holdings sub- a “local to business” approach, Aselsan cial aspects of MRO support, providing
sidiary Barzan Maintenance Shield (BMS). plans to further reinforce and enhance its optimized equipment availability, life-cy-
As part of the contract, BMS will provide partnerships with Qatar’s local industry. cle planning, logistics and spare parts ةيضارتفلاا
spare parts, training and technical sup- As part of its efforts to grow even further management to all military platforms and
port for maintenance and repair activities in Qatar, the company has established an other procurement projects.
Pakistan’s Global Industrial & Defence collaboration and joint venture projects.
Solutions (GIDS) said the indigenously
developed Harbah anti-ship cruise missile “WE ARE AIMING TO
is evincing keen interest among coun- TARGET THE PREVAILING
tries in the MENA region. The company’s
chief executive officer Asad Kamal says TECHNOLOGICAL
countries, “especially Qatar is looking at COLLABORATION
our offer of manufacturing the missiles OPPORTUNITIES IN THE
locally.” The HARBAH fire and forget MENA REGION AS WELL,
missile has a range of 290 km. GIDS has
also been engaged with several industry PARTICULARLY IN THE UAV
partners in the Gulf region on different DOMAIN,” he adds.
6 DIMDEX 2022