Page 14 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 2
P. 14
The Jordan Design and Development JODDB is also developing payloads, includ-
Bureau (JODDB) is developing weap- ing the Twin RPG26 and a 40mm grenade
onised drones and payloads for multi-rotor Quad launcher.
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The RPG26 system can be installed on
multi-rotor UAV, and is designed and devel-
“The main purpose of the project is to bring oped to meet operational requirements for
remotely controlled weapons to a multi-ro- attack on ground vehicles, objects or any
tor UAV. We are showcasing a multi-rotor possible enemy aircraft. The holder of the
UAV fitted with a two axis stabilised gun RPG is designed and made with a light
gimbal with enhanced counter reaction aluminium material, and the mechanism
response. The gimbal, weighing about 8 contains easy retractable cramps to make
kilograms, is designed to carry the FNp90 the reload process easier and more func-
machine gun, which has a magazine capac- tional. The system is equipped with a sight
ity of 50 rounds with a range of about 200 system that contains day and laser range “The Jordanian Army has shown keen inter-
meters,” a JODDB official told Daily News. finder. est in this. We would also like to show this
The aiming system of the gun consists of The under-development 40 mm grenades home-made system to other militaries in
a day camera for target recognition. The quad launcher can also be fitted on UAVs the region,” the JoDDB official said.
weapon system can be integrated with and UGVs. The system can hold four gre- The systems are currently undergoing user
wide variety of drones that can carry 8kgs nades with gross weight of 2 kilogram. trials and will be operational next year, the
payload. official added.
as well as training support for clients from
around the world according to their own
training program needs.
Shtaiwe, along with Raed Naser, who
founded the company some years back,
claimed that LETS provide safe and realis-
tic engagements with live force-on-force
simulation features for combined ground
operations scenarios.
“We developed our own system to reflect
the need to enhance the performance of
individuals and give a real combat replica
on the ground. As well as providing the
leaders and training supervisors with real-
ORION EYES MORE CUSTOMERS time reports transmitted directly from the
ground about the participants and the over-
IN REGION FOR LETS all status of the exercise,” Shtaiwe said.
Besides the MENA region, Orion Technology
is looking at markets all over the world. The
Orion Technology, an advanced technology countries, with whom we are negotiating to company is hold negotiations with local
services provider, is negotiating with Saudi provide them with our system soon,” Eyad partners and agents in several countries
Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and other countries Shtaiwe, one of the founders and Chief worldwide. The LETS will be showcased
in region to supply its Laser Enhanced Executive Officer of the company, said. Orlando in Florida later this month.
Training System (LETS) for military training,
after successfully providing the tactical KASOTC is a state of the art training faci- “We have great business opportunities
training simulator to Jordan. lity in Amman, that combines cutting-edge in the region and the world to cover the
training and support structures, highly qua- increasing demand for innovation and
“We provide the King Abdullah II Special lified subject matter experts and support technology solutions in all fields, especially
Operations Training Center (KASOTC ) with staff, and integrated advanced technology. military training and defense.
the the LETS, and it is one of the largest The facility has been providing up-to-date
specialised training centres in Jordan and training in counter-terrorism, special “We are always looking forward to working
the region. This means more capabilities operations and irregular warfare tactics, with global partners and we have plans to
for the KASOTC training Center through our techniques and procedures since 2009. enter new markets next year. We expect
LETS, and there are representatives from KASOTC offers tailored training courses high growth for the company in the coming
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and other that cater to both military and civilian needs, years,” he asserted.