Page 15 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 2
P. 15
GLX16 لبانقلا ةفذاق و Beretta ات يير ب ةكشر
هابتنا GLX160 اتييرب لبانقلا ةفذاق تفلت
نع ةرابعGLX160 .ضرعملا روزي يذلا دفولا
لمعت ةدحاو ةقلط تاذ ةيودي لبانق ةفذاق
× 40 ةعسرلا ةضفخنم ةيرخذ قلطتو اًيودي
اتييرب لبانق ةفذاق نأ فورعملا نم .ملم 46
ةيرايعم ةصنم نع ةرابع ملم GLX 160 40
قحلمك اهمادختسسا نكمي نزولا ةفيفخو
Howa موجه ةيقدنب ماظنل ةروساملا تحت
ةيرخلأا ةنولآا يف .لقتسم حلاسك وأ Type 20
ةينابايلا ةيبرلا يتاذلا عافدلا تاوق تذوحتسا ،
.GLX160 لىع
دونجلا ةيلاعف ةدايزل GLX160 ميمصت مت
نم ةلماكلا ةدافتسلاا للاخ نم نيصراعملا
لك مدقي ثيح ، ةحلسلأاب بعلاتلا ةكيناكيم
يذ يبوكسلتلا نوزخملا لوط ليدعت نكمي بجومب هليهأت متو لياطيلإا شيجلل تاروطت Beretta GLX160 تانوكم نم نوكم
فيكتلا لجأ نم ةلوهسب عضاوم ةسمخلا نم همادختسا متي .وتانلا رابتخا تلاوكوتورب .ةكرعملا ةحاس يف ءادلأا يف ةيربك
قلطم سيياقمو تابلطتم عم لضفأ لكشب ءاحنأ عيمج يف شويجلا نم ديدعلا لبق
.نيديلا اتلكب مادختسلاا لهس` .رانلا لىع ةتبثم وأ اهتاذب ةمئاق يف امإ ، ملاعلا
Beretta لثم ، ةفلتخم ةيموجه قدانب Beretta تانوكم نم نوكم لك ريوطت مت
لبقتسملا يدنج عوشرم راطإ يف GLX160
.Colt M16 و Beretta ARX200 و ARX160
The weapon system provides superior view-
ing performance day and night. In addition,
It is worth mentioning that among the prod-
ucts offered are the products of the Suez
Canal Authority and the Polish company
GERMAZ, which produces armored cars
for public services (security - ambulance
- police - money carriers - firefighters) and
has a distribution network for more than
33 countries in Europe, Maxim Supplies
is participating in SOFEX 2022 as a repre-
sentative and distributor of a different and
diverse group of Egyptian military products
and leading international companies.
In addition to representing different lead-
ing manufacturers in the fields of security
and defense that produce and offer a vari-
ety of armoured vehicles, Maxim Supplies
is focussing on countries not only in the
MENA region but also around the world.
Maxim Supplies supplies special purpose
armoured vehicles, artificial intelligence
and security products. Maxim supplies
EGYPTIAN SHERPA GETS NOTICED represents different manufacturers who
attempt to produce distinguished vehicles
Egypt’s home-made armoured vehicle It is produced by the Engineering Industries as well as defense and security products
Egyptian Sherpa is catching the attention Complex of the Egyptian Armed Forces and not only in the MENA region but also
of dignitaries at the ongoing SOFEX 2022. equipped with a Remote Control weapon worldwide.
station, that is designed with high precision,
The vehicle, manufactured by Maxim light weight, low profile RCWS, manufac- “We supply and strives to become the
Supplies, gives protection against missiles, tured by ARAB International Optronics. number one exporter of defense products
mines and explosive shocks and is char- RCWS can be mounted on any armoured to other countries, aiming to provide a large
acterised by the strong performance with fighting vehicle or support platform without variety of defense and security products
a cruising speed of maximum 800 km at a roof penetration. with the highest quality,” a company offi-
speed of 100 km/h. cial said.
SOFEX JORDAN 2022 NOVEMBER-02-2022 | 15