Page 4 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 2
P. 4



        The Middle East Special Operations
        Commanders Conference (MESOC) dis-
        cussed the rapid advances in the defense
        and aerospace industry.

        MESOC was attended by senior officers of
        the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF)
        and military representatives from several
        countries in the region and beyond, as
        well as officials and decision-makers from
        around the world.

        The one-day conference, hosted by the  Yousef Ahmed Al-Hunaiti, and a number of  Abdullah, SOFEX-22 is the 13th iteration
        JAF, was the official opening event of the  senior officers of JAF.           of this exhibition, and has been a biennial
        13th edition of Special Operations Forces                                     event since its conception.  More than 300
        Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX).     Brigadier General, Ayman Ahmad Al-Batran,   international firms, including 28 US compa-
                                               CEO of the Jordan Design and Development   nies, are taking part in this edition of the
        The sessions at the conference focused  Bureau lauded SOFEX in his remarks. He   exhibition. Deputy CEO of SOFEX Ahmed Al
        on unifying counterterrorism concepts and  said that SOFEX “provides a platform for   Taweel said choosing Aqaba to host SOFEX
        exchanging tactical know-how, in accor-  decision-makers, and military leaders and
        dance with international security strategies  officials to exchange practical and theoret-  2022 was intended to generate an invest-
        and expanding cooperation within the  ical expertise to transform opportunities   ment environment welcoming new trends,
        global special operations community.   into real partnerships to neutralize future   increasing defense industry ventures and
                                               threats,” Petra quoted him as saying.  stimulating tourism by attracting some
        The conference was attended by Chairman                                       3,000 foreign visitors and 5,000 locals to
        of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General  Founded in  1996  by His Majesty King  the exhibition.


        Barrett Firearms  Manufacturing  is  adjustable length of pull and cheek piece,  “We are pleased to have passed all prelim-
        show-casing its precision weapons as it  M-LOK attachment system, 10 mil rail, and  inary program requirements and to now
        strives to strengthen its presence in the  suppressor capable muzzle brake, a com-  begin delivery of the MK22 rifle system to
        Middle East and countries in North Africa.  pany official said.               the Army soldiers.” said Joel Miller, Barrett’s
                                                                                      Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
                                               The U.S. Army recently awarded a US$49.9
        The Multi-role Adaptive Design (MRAD)  million five-year contract to Barrett Firearms  The PSR program will allow the Army
        MK22 is evoking considerable interest from  Manufacturing to acquire the MK22 MRAD  an extreme range weapon systems that
        the visiting delegations. The sniper rifle  rifle as the Army’s   new sniper   is lighter than current sniper rifles and
        is being highlighted following the recent  weapon system.                     includes features that will mask the sniper
        U.S. acquisition of the weapon to                                                   signature for improved survivability.
        replace several currently fielded
        sniper rifles within its military.                                                  The United States Special Operations
                                               The Army     will procure
        The MK22 defines a new class of long-  approxi-     mately 2,800 MK22               Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM)
        range rifles by providing even greater  rifles from  Barrett, the current maker of   had previously awarded a contract to
        capability within the MRAD rifle platform.  the Army’s M107 .50 Caliber Long Range   Barrett to purchase the MRAD as part of
        The multi-caliber bolt-action sniper rifle  Sniper Rifle.                     their Advanced Sniper Rifle (ASR) program.
        converts between 7.62x51mm, .300 Norma
        Magnum and .338 Norma Magnum cham-     The MK22 is part of the Army’s Precision  The Mk22 will replace all legacy M40A6 and
        berings. It enables operators to easily fit   Sniper Rifle (PSR) Program, which also  Mk13 Mod 7 rifles, reducing the sniper rifle
        their caliber/round to mission. With unfail-  includes the Leupold & Stevens (Beaverton,   inventory from four to three, said Infantry
        ing precision and Sub-MOA performance,   OR) Mark 5 HD scope and a sniper acces-  Weapons Program Manager Nick Berger.
        this sniper rifle adapts to a variety of user   sory kit.                     The option provided by the Mk22 to switch
        needs by converting between 7.62 x 51mm,   Army snipers will be able to conduct a   barrels will give Marines the ability to con-
        300 NM and 338 NM calibers. The alumi-  barrel change and select calibers based   figure the rifle to fire either the .338 Norma
        num chassis features a folding stock with   on their mission operating environment.  Magnum or .300 NM caliber rounds.
        4  | NOVEMBER-02-2022                                                                  WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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