Page 5 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 2
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Jordan will soon start acquiring Lockheed GMLRS Unitary and alternative-warhead a choice of munitions at longer dis-
Martin-made Guided Multiple Launch (AW) rockets including integrated logistics tances with the same reliability and
Rocket Systems (GMLRS) from the United support for the U.S. Army and international precision the system is known for,”
States. customers. said Jay Price, vice president of Precision
Fires at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire
Under a Foreign Military Sale (FMS), esti- The Guided MLRS AW round was the first Control. “This success advances the
mated to be around US$70 million, Jordan munition developed to service area targets ER GMLRS closer to production as we
will buy 114 GMLRS Unitary High Explosive without the effects of unexploded ord- complete the final phase of the devel-
(HE) Tri-Mode Fuze (GMLRS-U) (M31) nance, complying with the U.S. Department opment program.”
Rockets; and a similar number of Reduced of Defense cluster munitions policy and
Range Practice Rockets (RRPR). international policies. The AW variant has a ER GMLRS shares significant commonality
range exceeding 70 kilometers and delivers with legacy Guided MLRS, and is deployable
These weapons will provide Jordan with a 200-pound class fragmenting warhead.
a long-range precision artillery support by HIMARS and the MLRS M270 family of
capability that will significantly improve A new developmental variation of the launchers. The rounds incorporate a larger
U.S.-Jordan interoperability and provide for Guided MLRS family, Extended Range motor and have enhanced maneuverability
the defense of vital installations. GMLRS offers an extended range out to due to tail-driven control.
150 kilometers in all weather conditions.
The combat-proven Guided MLRS Unitary Testing confirmed flight trajectory, range
round integrates a 200-pound unitary war- Early October, Lockheed Martin success- and accuracy from launch to impact, as well
head, providing precision strike for point fully demonstrated its next-generation ER as warhead lethality, HIMARS integration
targets. The Unitary variant has a range GMLRS in a test.The round was fired from and overall missile performance.
exceeding 70 kilometers.
the U.S. Army’s HIMARS launcher and met The rocket pod also underwent Stockpile
all success criteria in a short-range test to Target Sequence (STS) testing prior to
Other Variants flight approximately 59 kilometers to the launch. This effort simulates cumulative
target area.
Lockheed Martin has produced more effects the ER GMLRS will meet in the field
than 60,000 GMLRS rounds and is under “Our next-generation GMLRS provides between factory and launch for the life of
contract to produce more than 9,000 new the system and demonstrates durability of
versatility for commanders, offering the missile and launch pod container.
SOFEX JORDAN 2022 NOVEMBER-02-2022 | 5