Page 4 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 3
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•Advanced sustainment through a more
capable and lower life cycle cost airframe,
as well as affordable remanufacture and
minimized procurement costs.
•Accelerating the digital revolution
The Modernized Apache, will be digitally
advanced, simply and efficiently produced
and intelligently supported, leveraging
Boeing’s 30-plus years of experience in dig-
ital engineering to offer an industry-leading,
end-to-end digital lifecycle that will enable
unprecedented speed and agility.
Boeing’s AH-64A first entered service in
1984 and is now operational with the U.S.
Army in its AH-64E Version 6, or v6. The
AH-64E Version 6 is the most modern con-
figuration of the Apache and is ready for
the MDO battlefield. The network-centric,
fully integrated weapon system was specif-
ically built to dominate in highly contested
and complex battle space. The Version
6 Apache includes multiple enhance-
ments to the aircraft’s sensors, software
and weapons performance. Designed for
BOEING’S MODERNIZED interoperability within the ecosystem of
APACHE OFFERS NEXT-GEN Joint All Domain Operations (JADO), the
AH-64E v6 is a lethal, survivable and agile
ROTORCRAFT ATTACK system providing the range, maneuver-
ability and performance needed by ground
forces and contributes to current and future
Boeing’s recently announced Modernized engineering, manufacturing, development joint mission success.
Apache concept is a quantum leap ahead and production.
compared to the existing AH-64E Apache The Modernized Apache will embrace and Simply put, says Boeing, since the first
attack helicopter, which is slated to remain integrate cutting-edge technology to keep AH-64 took flight, no other helicopter in the
in production until at least 2028 and serve delivering the options and tools needed to world has been able to match its unique
the U.S. Army and its partner nations as support Soldiers on the ground. Boeing is mix of versatility and operationally-proven,
the world’s primary attack helicopter into offering six modernization elements within mature, low-risk and affordable capabilities
the 2060s. the framework for the Apache’s evolution — the Apache is still the most dominant
into the Modernized concept to offer the
The Modernized Apache concept is being blueprint for continued dominance: and advanced multi-mission helicopter in
offered to the U.S. Army as a dominant, the world. Continuous modernization has
affordable concept built on the com- •Drivetrain upgrades to unlock Improved yielded unprecedented advances in lethal-
bat-proven Apache platform that represents Turbine Engine (ITE) capabilities for ity, survivability and network connectivity to
the next evolution of the current AH-64E v6. enhanced power, range, efficiency and deliver sustained dominance on an increas-
speed; ingly complex, multi-domain battlefield.
With the U.S. Army looking to maintain its More than 1,200 Apache helicopters are in
rotorcraft dominance in future Multi-Domain •Advanced mission systems to increase operation, having accumulating over 4 mil-
Operations (MDO), Boeing understood that interoperability to the network and to lion flight hours, 1.3 million of which have
the Apache needs to be optimized to com- reduce pilot cognitive strain and workload been in combat.
plement the next-generation platforms in during operations;
the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) ecosystem. The U.S. Army took delivery of its first
•Advanced sensors and sensor fusion AH-64A Apache in January 1984 since
The Modernized Apache concept is capable for better and more resilient connectivity then, the U.S. Army and other nations have
of seamlessly and effectively meeting the across domains and operations in all envi- taken delivery of more than 2,200 AH-64
Army’s evolving attack and reconnaissance ronmental conditions; Apache attack helicopters. Boeing’s global
requirements — including increased agility, customers for the Apache include Egypt,
interoperability, lethality, survivability and •Airborne long-range precision munitions, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan,
reach. It also leverages on the established, Air Launched Effects (ALE) and potential Korea, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Qatar,
worldwide industrial base already mature future directed energy weapon system inte- Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab
and in place to support future Apache gration for increased lethality; and Emirates and the United Kingdom.