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        Logbook in February. The contract   contract with ST Engineering to     undertake auxiliary power unit
        was inked at the Singapore airshow.   support  the  airline’s  entire  fleet.   (APU) maintenance for both its
        Vietjet’s  entire  aircraft  fleet  will   ST Engineering is supporting   Boeing 787 and Airbus A320 fleet.
        adopt AVIATAR’s Technical Logbook   Vietjet with a full suite of compo-  EPCOR is the global market leader
        for seamless digital pilot-to-main-  nent support solutions covering    for MRO support for APUs. The con-
        tenance collaboration application.   component pooling, repair, over-   tract inked in October 2021, covered
        The adoption of the new technology   haul, modification, main base kits,   the APU maintenance of l131-9A
        further accelerates Vietjet’s digita-  component health monitoring and   APUs for its Airbus A320 fleet and
        lization revolution from cockpit to   logistics services for the airline’s   Pratt & Whitney APS5000 APUs
        maintenance and will be expanded    entire fleet. “The component MRO    on its Boeing 787 fleet. Vietnam
        to all company sectors. The techni-  facilities together with life-cycle   Airlines has also gained access
        cal logbook will also reduce Vietjet’s   support capabilities in our global   to PROGNOS for APU, EPCOR’s
        environmental footprint.            network, will be able to provide    famous predictive maintenance
                                            excellent support to Vietjet’s fleet.   software as part of the contract.
        “Vietjet is our first AVIATAR       When combined with our compre-      Vietnam Airlines has also signed
        Technical Logbook customer in       hensive component solutions, we     up for Boeing Global Services solu-
        Asia  Pacific.  The  application  will   are  confident  in  helping  Vietjet   tions for its 787 fleet. The Airplane
        not only increase the airline’s     achieve  significant  cost-savings   Health Management (AHM) service
        efficiency but also provide a new   and enjoy operational reliability   from Boeing  allows the airline to
        pool of real-time operational data   at  the  same  time,”  Jeffrey  Lam,   capture real-time flight data and
        which allows, for example, the MCC   President of Commercial Aerospace   enable predictive maintenance to
        (Maintenance Control Center) to     at ST Engineering, said during the   help optimize fleet performance.
        monitor and approve data flows,”    Singapore airshow.                  AHM is powered by Boeing AnalytX,
        Zang Thio, Vice President Corporate                                     a collection of software and con-
        Sales Southeast Asia and Indian                                         sulting services that transform raw
        Subcontinent at Lufthansa Technik                                       data into greater efficiency during
        had said at the time of the contract                                    every phase of flight.
        announcement. “Our solution is
        making a strong case as a second                                        In keeping with other carriers in
        generation ETLB solution and we                                         Vietnam, Bamboo Airways has
        are proud that Vietjet will join us as                                  also inked MoUs on aircraft main-
        a pioneer in Asia Pacific.”                                             tenance services worth millions of
                                                                                dollars. In March, the airline inked
        The incorporation of  AVIATAR’s                                         an MoU with Lufthansa Technik –
        Technical Logbook on  Vietjet’s                                         Germany’s leading MRO provider
        entire  fleet  will  result  in  the  air-                              for maintenance services valued
        line replacing its manual and                                           at Є100 million. Both companies
        paper-based process of capturing    Vietjet also entered into a         are exploring a wide range of
        technical issues during flight and on   US$150 million Memorandum of    cooperation in areas related to
        ground. This will allow it to improve   Understanding (MoU) with        comprehensive component sup-
        data quality and speed as well as   SR Technics in November 2021,       port for Boeing 787 and Airbus
        transparency. The application’s     for MRO services on its CFM56-5B    A320 aircraft; maintenance ser-
        advanced features and enhanced      engine  fleet,  installed  on  Airbus   vices for engines V2500, LEAP-1A,
        back-end capabilities will lead to   A320 and A321 aircraft. The work on   and CF34; along with other support
        decreased turnaround times while    the engines will be carried out at SR   requirements.  Lufthansa  Technik
        increasing fleet’s technical reliability   Technics’ facilities at Zurich Airport   is also providing support solutions
        and operational safety. AVIATAR’s   in Switzerland and in Vietnam. The   for Bamboo Airways’ upcoming
        Technical Logbook enables com-      MoU also includes providing engine   new routes to Germany in order to
        pletion of flight logbook input and   maintenance, technical and training   streamline the arrival procedures at
        maintenance pre, during flight, and   services, component requirements   airports. Bamboo Airways and SR
        upon arrival as it is seamlessly inte-  and repair, and setting up a new   Technics also inked an MoU at the
        grated in Vietjet’s maintenance and   Aviation training center, as a joint   Singapore Airshow to explore areas
        engineering system.                 venture between Vietjet and SR      of cooperation including CFM56-5B
                                            Technics.                           engines, training services, also
        MRO Onward                          Vietnam Airlines has contracted     providing  technical  services  and
                                                                                component services by STRADE.
        Vietjet has also entered into       EPCOR, a wholly-owned subsid-       The total value of this cooperation
        a comprehensive component           iary of Air France Industries KLM   could amount to around US$60 mil-
        Maintenance-By-the-Hour (MBH)       Engineering & Maintenance to        lion of signed deals.

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