Page 18 - VIA EXPO 2022 | Show Preview
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                                                                                Airbus has worked to increase the
                                                                                aircraft’s maximum zero fuel weight
                                                                                (MZFW)  and  maximum landing
                                                                                weight (MLW) by 1.8 tonne. The
                                                                                new increased MZFW/MLW was to
                                                                                be available as of mid-2022 for the
                                                                                A220-100 and Q4 2023 for the A220-
                                                                                300  (subject to approval by aviation
                                                                                regulators).  The A220-300’s maxi-
                                                                                mum take-off weight (MTOW) has
                                                                                already been increased to up to
               GAINING TRACTION                                                 70.9 tonne for the A220-300. The
                                                                                new MTOW increases the maximum
                                                                                range capabilities to 6,300 km for
                                                                                the A220-300. “This new increased
        THE AIRBUS A220 IS ATTRACTING                                           MZFW/MLW will offer even further

        INTEREST FROM AIRLINES IN THE                                           operational flexibility to airlines in
                                                                                the form of additional payload, as
        ASIA-PACIFIC REGION                                                     it enables operating airlines to offer
                                                                                to their passengers more weight
                                                                                on-board the aircraft,” a company
        ATUL CHANDRA                                                            official said.

        The Airbus A220 is gaining traction   A220-300 with up to 149 passen-
        as a regional jetliner contender to   gers on board.                    Airbus has now delivered more than
        meet the requirements of airlines                                       220 A220s and has accumulated
        in the Asia-Pacific region. Airbus   According to an Airbus official, the   over 760 orders for the type, which
        completed a week-long demonstra-    A220 is especially well suited to the   as of July had carried over 60 mil-
        tion tour of the A220 to the region   Asia-Pacific region, offering longer   lion passengers and operated on
        in May with demonstration flights   range capability, high levels of com-  over 700 routes. The ‘Operational
        in Sydney (Australia), Singapore,   fort and 25 per cent reduction in fuel   Reliability’ of the A220 as of
        Hanoi (Vietnam) and Tokyo (Japan).   consumption. The future growth of   February was around 99 per cent.
        The A220’s range and capacity       the economic middle classes and     “As the A220 is still a young prod-
        make it ideal for carriers seeking   the desire to travel will continue to   uct in-service, we are working on
        to open new regional routes out of   drive passenger demand and the     some items to continue raising our
        Asia-Pacific, or those that require   region could account for around 20   Operational reliability in the future,
        an aircraft for lucrative but thin   per cent of the forecast demand for   for example,” an Airbus spokes-
        routes out of the country. The A220   7,200 aircraft over the next 20 years   person told AAA. As of the end of
        can operate on flights as short as   in the 100-150 seat size category.   December 2021, the global A220
        30 minutes to those that are seven                                      fleet has completed 440,000+ flight
        hours long.                         The A220’s range capability of up   cycles, 675,000 flight hours on 550+
                                            to 6,300 km is a key asset for oper-  routes, totalling 275+ destinations.
        The Asia-Pacific region is a core   ators in the Asia-Pacific region, as
        market for Airbus, accounting for   this allows non-stop services on    The new generation single-aisle
        a third of its total order book and   longer routes, such as from South   type, entered service as the
        a third of its revenues. Airbus jet-  East Asia to North Asia (5-6 hours)   Bombardier C Series in July 2016
        liners are operated by Vietnamese   and would enable opening of new     and Airbus rebranded the type as
        carriers such as Vietnam Airlines,   routes to secondary destinations,   the A220 in 2020, after purchasing
        Vietjet,  Bamboo  Airways,  Pacific   both for leisure and business traffic.   the programme from the troubled
        Airways, and Vietravel. The A220                                        Canadian airframer. The 220  A220
        is also ideal for airlines that require                                 (an A220-300) was recently deliv-
        an aircraft to complement the exist-
        ing A320 Family. The A220-100 can                                       ered to American carrier JetBlue,
        seat between 100 and 130 passen-                                        which  is the largest customer
        gers, while the larger A220-300 can                                     for the  type,  with  100  on  order
        seat between 130 and 160 in typi-                                       and 10 already in service. SWISS
        cal airline layouts. Current and new                                    International Air Lines was the first
                                                                                operator of the A220.
        European customers are flying the

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