Page 14 - AVALON 2023 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14



        Collins Aerospace, a US-based company
        owned by Raytheon, has just shy of 150
        employees in its Australian workforce.
        Sonny Foster, Managing Director for Collins
        Aerospace in Australia, said the company
        has a 50+-year presence.

        Defence comprises approximately 90% of
        its work, and the commercial sector the
        remainder, though the company is focusing
        on expanding the latter.

        Collins Aerospace has a facility in Sydney,
        from which some exports are even con-
        ducted. An example is  the Distributed
        Aperture System on the F-35 fighter, with
        around half of those used on the interna-
        tional fleet are made in Australia.

        Foster explained: ‘I think one of the keys
        for us is, particularly over the last two
        decades, is that we’ve really demonstrated
        an ability to take core capability out of our
        global organisation – typically the US, UK,
        Germany  – and  really customise those
        capabilities specifically for the Australian
        customer and, in this case, the Australian
        Defence Force. We’ve really grown a great
        capability in Australia.

        ‘We have what we’d say is a full spectrum
        of engineering, business development and
        programme management, which we call
        the triad. We’ve had that established in  standoff-type intelligence gathering or sur-  Therefore, ‘What this JSAS system does,
        Australia and that’s been very successful.  veillance, reconnaissance where you can  it really allows our customers to work in a
        But what we’ve also demonstrated very suc-  see farther, detect threats and obscure tar-  live virtual constructive environment. And it
        cessfully is our ability to reach back into the  gets a little bit farther.’ The MS-110 can be  allows for a much deeper read. It’s not just a
        organisation so we really see ourselves as  fitted on fighters, UAVs or transport aircraft,  simulator that you’re in; it’s a much deeper
        very integrated into the global company.’  for example.                       integration where you can actually tie in
                                                                                      live aircraft with simulators with construc-
        Phil Jasper, President of Mission Systems  The USAF awarded the company a contract   tive generated elements as well, to really
        for Collins Aerospace, said one important  for MS-110 pods to be used on fast jets in   rehearse more sophisticated, more collabo-
        ADF project is supplying Digital Terminal  March 2021. Indeed, the first flight of an   rative operations.’ Training could thus occur
        Control Systems (DTCS) under Project  MS-110 aboard an F-16 occurred last year.  at the campaign level, for example.
        Land 17. The DTCS is used by joint ter-
        minal attack controllers and joint forward  Another product that Collins Aerospace is   JSAS is being implemented in the US on
                                                                                      training ranges, but it is designed for coa-
        observers to accurately direct aircraft and  highlighting is the Joint Secure Air Combat   lition interoperability.
        artillery attacks on targets. The company  Training System (JSAS). Jasper elabo-
        was selected for Land 17’s next phase in  rated: ‘As we see capabilities in the military   Space is another domain in which Collins
        July 2021, which will ensure this long-term  throughout the world continue to get more   Aerospace works. The bulk of its space
        relationship continues for a second decade.  and more advanced, it’s becoming ever-  business is around human spaceflight, pro-
                                               more important to be able to train operators   ducing things like environmental control
        At Avalon Airshow 2023, Collins Aerospace  on how to use all of that very sophisticated   and life support systems for spacecraft,
        is highlighting its MS-110 airborne recon-  technology, and it’s not always realistic to   exploration-type vehicles and spacesuits.
        naissance pod. Jasper explained it is ideal  expect to do live exercises or live training.’  Indeed, last year it was awarded a NASA
        for ‘the demand we’re seeing across the  This could be due to the cost of fuel or the  contract to develop the agency’s next-gen-
        globe for longer-range, higher-resolution,  number of assets available, for example.  eration spacesuit.
        14 | FEBRUARY-28-2023                                                                  WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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