Page 13 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 13
© Babcock
Communications System. Babcock had
BABCOCK AMPS UP THE been declared preferred tenderer in
December 2021, and commercial discus-
sions had been ongoing after that.
Babcock will integrate its Intelligent
Late last year, Babcock was contracted supporting Australia’s existing HF network, Network and Serial Protocol Interface for
to manage the ADF’s long-range high-fre- plus rolling out a comprehensive techno- Radio Equipment (INSPIRE) solution. It is
being assisted by partner Lockheed Martin
quency (HF) communications network. logical upgrade. HF systems are used to Australia, who will support the delivery of
The deal, awarded on 21 October 2022 and communicate internally and with coalition mission system elements.
worth AUD877 million (USD559.6 million), partners via voice and data almost anywhere
covers ten years, but with four extension in the world. Babcock already provides similar HF net-
options of two years each. works to New Zealand and the UK, so
This programme is called Joint Project 9101 Australia is another feather in Babcock’s
It entails, from October this year, Babcock (JP9101) Enhanced Defence High-Frequency HF cap.
© AVT Australia
AVT Australia unveiled two new variants of system. The CM62 incorporates an inno- enhanced EO image quality is required for
its CM62 micro gimbal, designed for intel- vative onboard video processor to provide daytime operations.’
ligence, surveillance and reconnaissance high-definition, electro-optical imagery with
sensors aboard UAVs, at Avalon Airshow 25-times zoom, along with a custom long- Conversely, the LWIR configuration is ideal
2023. One of the new variants features a wave infrared core.’ for situations requiring extended stand-off
tri-zoom electro-optical (EO) configuration, distances.
while the other has an extended long-wave The spokesperson continued: ‘The new tri-
infrared (LWIR) configuration. zoom EO configuration has an intermediate AVT Australia noted that the new systems
lens for enhanced mid-range performance, are suitable for aerial surveillance and
An AVT Australia spokesperson explained: and a longer focal-length narrow lens, target acquisition, border protection, force
‘The CM62 micro gimbal is the first pay- resulting in 42% more pixels on target com- protection, law enforcement, search and
load of its kind that delivers superior EO/ pared to the standard CM62 configuration. rescue, emergency response, bushfire and
LWIR capabilities in a miniature 260g This makes it perfect for situations when wildlife management missions.
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