Page 15 - AVALON 2023 - Day 2 | DAILY NEWS
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watchwords too. Forshaw thus observed:
© Airbus
‘A priority for airlines in this region is ensur-
ing that the air transport sector can grow
in a sustainable way. This has become an
increasingly important factor when airlines
make fleet decisions, and Airbus is well
placed with the modern and comprehen-
sive product line available today, offering
a reduction in fuel consumption and emis-
sions of up to 25%.’
He added that the industry needs to
increase production and the availability of
sustainable aviation fuels in this region, as
well as exploring new sources of energy
such as hydrogen and synthetic fuels.
AIRBUS PREDICTS AIRCRAFT In this vein, Airbus has entered significant
partnerships such as a joint fund with
GROWTH IN ASIA-PACIFIC Qantas to encourage industry to develop
an associated ecosystem in Australia, and
a project with Air New Zealand to study
Aerospace giant Airbus expects that the majority 55% would meet new demand. applications for hydrogen-powered aircraft
Pacific region, comprising Australasia and on its domestic network.
the Pacific Islands, will receive 920 new air- Stephen Forshaw, Airbus Chief
liners over the coming 20 years, as revealed Representative for Australia, said, ‘We are Some 170 Airbus aircraft are currently in
in the latest Airbus Global Market Forecast. already seeing steady recovery in global service with airlines in Australia, Fiji, New
It predicts an average growth in passenger air traffic and a renewed confidence in Caledonia, New Zealand and Solomon
numbers of 3.2% annually for the region. the growth of the industry. This is partic- Islands Another 166 aircraft are on order
ularly evident in the Pacific region, where for future delivery to Pacific carriers.
Breaking down this figure of 920, Airbus we are seeing a surge in travel demand
estimates that this will include 750 sin- and an increase in flights to and from key Airbus forecasts a global demand for
gle-aisle aircraft and 170 widebodies. destinations.’ 39,490 new aircraft over the next 20 years.
Importantly, 45% of these new aircraft Of these, 17,620 will be in the wider Asia-
will replace in-service models, while the Sustainability and the environment are Pacific region.
© Dassault
French aerospace company Dassault exceptional agility and short-field perfor- The 6X and 10X that the CEO mentioned
Aviation is displaying two aircraft from its mance. From Melbourne, the 2000LXS feature a larger cabin-cross section than
line-up at Avalon Airshow 2023. One is the can fly nonstop anywhere in Australia, the other business jets. The 6X is due to enter
ultra-long-range, large-cabin Falcon 8X, neighbouring Pacific and even to Southeast service in mid-2023, and the 10X in late
and the other is the super midsize Falcon Asian capitals like Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi 2025.
2000LX. Incidentally, this year the Falcon Minh City or Manila.
brand is celebrating its 60th anniversary. The RAAF currently flies three Falcon 7X
Dassault maintains that the Falcon has VIP aircraft.
Thanks to its 11,945km range, the Falcon always been popular in Australia. Eric
8X can fly nonstop from Melbourne and Trappier, Chairman & CEO of Dassault Falcons in Australia can enjoy full prod-
Sydney to any destination in Asia-Pacific.
It is also offered with Dassault’s FalconEye Aviation, commented, ‘With the arrival of uct support at ExecuJet MRO Services,
head-up display for better situational the new extra-widebody Falcon 6X and a wholly owned subsidiary of Dassault
awareness at night and in poor weather ultra-long-range Falcon 10X – both of which Aviation. It has heavy maintenance centres
conditions. are generating tremendous excitement – in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, plus rou-
we expect the Falcon brand to be more tine support is available at other stations
As for the Falcon 2000LXS, it has popular than ever.’ around Australia.
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