Page 10 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 2
P. 10

Aselsan is Growing its Portfolio

        of Cutting-Edge Defence Systems

        Turkish defence firm Aselsan is rapidly  ensuring that over US$900 million worth of  interceptor capabilities against very low
        growing its portfolio cutting-edge defence  foreign currency remained in Turkey.  and low altitude air threats. GÖKSUR can
        products. In the first nine months of the cur-                                perform air and missile defence missions
        rent year, Aselsan has introduced new de-  Aselsan has also developed Turkey’s first  against a threat set including anti-ship mis-
        fence systems into the market such as the  autonomous underwater vehicle, DERİNGÖZ.  siles, armed/unarmed unmanned aerial
        GÖZDE guidance kit, SADAK national release  Its ALBATROS Kamikaze Unmanned Marine  vehicles, cruise missiles, warplanes and
        system, KARAKURT reconnaissance and  Vehicle swarm neutralized a target ship in  helicopters.
        targeting systems, YARASA HF electronic  the tests carried out in Mersin. Important
        support system and AYI HF electronic attack  milestones have also been achieved  Aselsan is also growing its capability when
        system. Aselsan recently commissioned  for cutting-edge defence systems such  it comes to electronic warfare (EW) systems
        a new avionics production facility and has  as the GÜRZ hybrid air defence system,   and unmanned vehicles, with the launch,
        also completed its AESA radar integration  GÖKSUR close air defence missile system,   earlier this year of EJDERHA, SÖKMEN,
        and production building. It has also started  GÖKDEMİR missile launching system and   TUNGA and ERTUNGA products. Launched
        work on a new additional production facility  GÖKBERK mobile laser weapon systems.   at IDEF 2023, 16th International Defence
        for guided ammunition.                 GÜRZ stands out as an innovative air and   Industry Fair, earlier this year; EJDERHA
                                               missile defence system that offers multiple   is an EW system and SÖKMEN is an ESM
        In the first nine months of 2023,                                                      system; while ERTUNGA  and
        the  company’s  turnover  grew                                                         TUNGA  are both medium class
                                                                                               second level unmanned ground
        by 81 percent compared to the                                                          vehicles. Aselsan’s DRAGON is
        same period last year, reaching                                                        another new product developed
        US$10.8 billion dollars with the                                                       to neutralize targets with electro-
        largest ever outstanding order-                                                        magnetic signals.
        book in the company’s history.
        The company’s gross profit in-                                                         Some of the other products on
        creased by 75 percent, Aselsan’s                                                       offer by Aselsan are the MURAD
        General Manager Ahmet Akyol                                                            combat aircraft nose radar,
        said. In the first six months of                                                       ASELFLIR 500 new generation
        2023, the company successfully                                                         targeting system, IFF unified in-
        completed the nationalization of                                                       terrogator system, LGK 83 laser
        68 products.The total number                                                           guidance kit, AMİR100C accident
        of products indigenised  in the                                                        resistant duty station recorder,
        last five years has grown to 738,                                                      etc.

        10  NOVEMBER-07-2023                                                                   WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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