Page 8 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 2
P. 8
Charting the Course Towards Maritime Security
Maritime security extends beyond the de- that include the sensors, battle manage- system and area defence for its task force
ployment of naval forces and encompasses ment, and weapon systems for new vessels by providing long-range, hemispheric air
safeguarding commercial ports, energy or upgraded naval platforms to specific defence for naval forces. Operational with
infrastructures, and transportation lines. systems. IAI also offers modular combat the Israeli Navy and foreign navies, Barak
In response, nations are enhancing their systems packed in containerized modules MX features a high level of connectivity,
defence capabilities, striving for improved that can deploy ad-hoc on naval vessels, enabling the system to address complex
intelligence and maritime dominance. IAI, enabling such platforms to increase their scenarios and extend coverage to protect
Israel’s premier Aerospace and DefenCe defensive and offensive capabilities. vast areas over sea.
company, plays a pivotal role in this scenar-
io. Its extensive maritime portfolio caters Furthermore, IAI’s naval combat suites com- Learning from past conflicts, IAI collabo-
to diverse missions, such as naval warfare prise its combat-proven offensive and de- rates with industry partners, customers,
and area defence. fensive systems, including the Blue Spear and navies to prepare for emerging threats.
5th Generation surface-to-surface missile, This cooperation enables a better under-
IAI’s maritime operations concentrate on Barak MX air defence system and loitering standing of challenges in the naval arena,
Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA), weapons. The Blue Spear is designed to thereby facilitating improved solutions to
Offensive and Defensive Weapon Systems, engage long-range threats in a complex, meet new needs.
and Autonomous Technologies. MSA, funda- cluttered environment without endangering
mental for maritime sovereignty and naval friendly or non-involved vessels. IAI’s loiter- As a key priority, IAI is dedicated to le-
operations, is integral to IAI’s Naval Combat ing missiles prove highly effective weapons veraging advanced technologies and pro-
Suites solutions. IAI’s prowess is evident in for actionable response by providing the viding creative solutions for demanding
the Israel Navy Sa’ar 6 Corvette, where the ability to collect intel and assess the situ- marine environments. IAI has excelled in
company was selected to integrate its ra- ation at the target, select an impact point, delivering innovative solutions based on
dars, offensive and defensive weapons, and and even abort an attack if the conditions technological achievements, extensive re-
other capabilities to meet diverse naval re- demand such action. IAI offers several loi- search, development, and engineering that
quirements while maintaining affordability. tering weapons, from the larger EO-guided effectively tackle these complex challenges.
HAROP to the smaller Mini Harpy, utilizing IAI’s wide-ranging solutions cater to various
MSA has become crucial due to expanding a unique, multi-spectral sensor (EO/RF) to threats at growing ranges of ever more
threats and responsibilities, particularly in detect and locate targets at sea passively. complex battlefield scenarios, ensuring
the Economic Exclusion Zones (EEZ). IAI its stakeholders remain secure, agile, and
offers comprehensive solutions for these The Barak MX air defence system provides fully prepared to meet the most challenging
needs- from complete naval combat suites self-defence for the platform carrying the operational demands.