Page 4 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 3
P. 4

“In March 2023, ATIL
         began training the

         RTA to fly the DP20.
         We flew the DP20
         to 25,000 feet and a
         distance of 250km.

         Various failure modes
         were also tested.”

        for weapons testing and trials. The DP21
        will be the largest MALE UAS from ATIL
        and this programme will start in February
        2025. Niyomthai said current plans call for
        the first DP21 to make its maiden flight in
        Thailand in 2027.
                                               keen to conclude a contract with ATIL for  in production in Thailand with production of
        Speaking with Atul Chandra on the sidelines   UAVs soon.                      the AG-002 laser guided missile slated to
        of the show, Niyomthai, Director ATIL, said                                   begin by the end of this year.
        the RTA is now being trained by ATIL to
        operate the DP20. “In March 2023, ATIL   ATIL has been working on the DP20 since
        began training the RTA to fly the DP20. We   2019 and Niyomthai stated that the devel-  The DP20 MALE UAS has a wingspan of
        flew the DP20 to 25,000 feet and a distance   opment of the armed DP20A is planned for  13.4m and a maximum take-off weight
        of 250km. Various failure modes were also   completion by 2026. The DP16A, which is  of 750 kg. It can carry a mission payload
        tested.” The DP20 is being manufactured by   being showcased for the first time, will only  of 150kg along with 200kg of fuel. It can
        ATIL in Thailand and at present, two DP20s  be used by ATIL for weapons testing and   attain a maximum speed of 135 knots and
        are being operated by ATIL. Two additional  trials. Niyomthai said that the first bomb test   a cruising speed of 100 knots. Endurance
        DP20As will be procured as well. An ex-  was completed by ATIL using the DP16A in   is claimed as 20 hours and its practical
        pert team from China is expected to join  July, this year. The target was engaged using   operating ceiling is quoted as 24,500 feet.
        the ATIL team, later in the year. Thailand’s  a dummy warhead, which was designated   The DP20 will primarily undertake intelli-
        Board of Investment has mandated that  by the RTA using a laser designator from   gence surveillance and reconnaissance
        there must be 100 percent manufacturing  a distance of 1km. The munitions were   (ISR) missions for the RTA in addition to
        of these systems within Thailand within  launched from a distance of 2km away,   border patrol, fire calibration and battlefield
        three years. Interestingly, Niyomthai said  taking 25 seconds to travel to the target   assessment targeting and positioning mis-
        that ATIL has also been receiving export  and hit the bullseye on a 5m/5m, target.   sions. It can carry a max payload 370 kg,
        requests, with an overseas team visiting the  The weapon used was the AG-001 laser   while the armed DP20A has four hard points,
        company’s facilities in Thailand in October.  guided bomb, which will be integrated on   which can also mount dual-payload bomb
        He added that the country in question was  the DP20 and DP21. The AG-001 is currently
                                                                                      racks to carry multiple munitions. The Royal
                                                                                      Thai Air Force (RTAF) and Royal Thai Navy
                                                                                      (RTN) are reportedly now also interested in
                                                                                      the DP20 and DP20A.

                                                                                      The DP21A is an armed high-altitude long
                                                                                      endurance (HALE) UAS with a 500kg pay-
                                                                                      load capability. It has four hardpoints on the
                                                                                      wings, each of which can accommodate a
                                                                                      max payload of 200kg. The DP21A has a
                                                                                      maximum take-off weight of 1,600 kg and
                                                                                      can carry a maximum payload of 500kg. It
                                                                                      has a service ceiling of 26,300 feet and can
                                                                                      stay aloft for 42 hours. It has an operational
                                                                                      radius of 250km in line of sight (LOS) mode
                                                                                      and 2,000km when controlled via satellite
                                                                                      communications (SATCOM). It can carry
                                                                                      8XAG-001 laser guided bombs or 4XAG-002
                                                                                      laser guided missiles.

        4  NOVEMBER-08-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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