Page 8 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 3
P. 8
STAR-X: Bringing
Military Grade
to OPVs
Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) have be- However, the deployment of sensors on IFF antenna and the unique capability to
come the platform of choice for many mar- these vessels is challenged by available automatically detect, track, and classify low
itime forces tasked with monitoring and space, payload, power and budgeting. So flying threats and high-flying targets at long
protecting territorial waters, including the despite the increasing reliance on OPVs, the ranges, enables STAR-X to deliver superior
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In fact, with limited ability to equip these vessels with the air surveillance. Moreover, with its ability to
budgetary constraints and fuel prices on the requisite ISR solutions has impacted their perform splash spotting, the easily integrat-
rise, these versatile, cost-effective vessels effectiveness. OPV commanders often ed radar also offers an efficient interface to
are increasingly preferred over larger, more face the challenge of performing the same gun system fire control. Finally, its ability to
expensive front-end vessels such as de- missions as larger, more comprehensively perform air surveillance against drones and
stroyers, frigates and even corvettes. Well equipped vessels; yet in many instances, the UAVs is especially important given the in-
over 1300 OPVs are currently in operation radars fitted to their vessels are commercial creasing presence of these threats in the
worldwide and more than 200 are expected systems with rather limited performance. littoral arena. In contrast, commercial 2D
to be built in the coming years. Examples radars lack these important capabilities.
include Batch II RIVER in the UK, HTMS In response, Israel Aerospace Industries They simply are not designed to perform
the tracking, classification or air surveillance
KRABI in Thailand, and the US Coast Guard’s has leveraged its rich technological heritage required on modern OPVs.
Legend class cutter. and culture of innovation to field the STARX
3D multi-function digital radar system, de- STAR-X leverages the latest GaN technology
These ships constitute the backbone of livering military grade performance in a to maximize performance while minimizing
littoral operations, guarding against a wide smaller, lighter package with lower power size and weight. It also features AESA capa-
range of threats, including terrorism, smug- consumption and space requirements in bilities, including beam forming in elevation
gling, drug trafficking, illegal fishing and comparison to legacy systems. and superior ECCM features. In addition to
illicit immigration. They also play an import- offering class leading features and perfor-
ant role in search & rescue, environmental Operating in X Band, this powerful radar mance, this radar is also the most flexible
protection, and in securing critical maritime is able to simultaneously track over 1000 with regard to growth potential and upgrade-
infrastructure such as offshore oil drilling surface and aerial targets, has an instrument ability; mainly through software-only updates
platforms. To effectively carry out their range of 150 km, and the ability to detect to address new threats. Maintainability is
duties these ships require the accurate 3D low visibility targets with a very low RCS. another strongpoint. STAR-X incorporates
situational awareness picture achieved STAR-X performs wide area scans of the sea advanced Single Module Radar (SMR) tech-
with high performance ISR (Intelligence surface out to dozens of kilometers while nology, ensuring high reliability and effective
Surveillance and Reconnaissance) sensors, simultaneously carrying out effective air and long-term support for twenty years and
especially radar. surface surveillance. In fact, an integrated beyond.