Page 14 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14
The Orbiter 4 CR-UAV, which complements
the RSAF’s existing fleet of UAVs, will
provide the SAF and security forces with
improved ground situational awareness
to better protect Singapore from threats
across peacetime to wartime operations.
With its smaller size, capable sensor and
increased portability, the Orbiter 4 CR-UAV
can operate within a wide range of oper-
ating environments, including urbanised
and confined areas, to support security
SINGAPORE MILITARY operations such as counter-terrorism and
peacetime contingencies. The Orbiter 4 can
TO INVEST MORE IN be employed independently or collabora-
tively with the existing fleet of larger UAVs
for scanning of the battlefield from different
NE X T - G EN T E C HN O L O G Y altitudes, providing both a bird’s eye view
of the battlefield from a higher altitude and
conducting in-depth surveillance of specific
Singapore Armed Forces will invest heavily Defence, Singapore’s force modernisation areas from a lower altitude.
in unmanned technologies, autonomous priorities toward the next-generation SAF
vehicles, drones, and sensors as part of currently follows three lines of effort— The Orbiter 4 CR-UAV enhances operational
its next-generation transformation journey. developing capabilities to counter ‘hybrid’ flexibility with its lower logistical footprint,
threats in the information and cyber runway independence, and ability to be
Senior Minister of State for Defence Zaqy domains; expanding counter-terrorism deployed and set up in a shorter span of
Mohamad said, “Unmanned technologies capabilities, particularly by strengthening time.
will be a big part of the SAF going forward Island Defence and Special Forces; and
and the Navy has worked with the larger in the long-term, leveraging advanced To preserve its strategic deterrent, the SAF
defence technology community to develop emerging technologies such as artificial is in the process of acquiring advanced mil-
indigenous unmanned systems designed intelligence, data analytics, and robotics in itary technologies and platforms, which
for our unique operating environment and nearly all aspects of defence planning and are designed to be linked together as a
requirements. I am also glad to know that force package, and create an asymmetric
the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) had military operations. advantage.
undertaken several initiatives to maximise
the deployment of National Serviceman. In this context, Singapore’s defence plan- The list of military acquisition programmes
The RSN has been deliberate about design- ners envision the next-generation SAF to includes upgraded early warning systems
ing systems to be intuitive, so that it can be build upon existing conventional capa- such as coastal surveillance network and
easily operated by NSFs and NSmen. These bilities, while having the flexibility and air defence systems; F35s and upgraded
will provide new, meaningful and exciting robustness to employ novel operational F15SG fighter jets, Multi-Role Tanker
avenues for NSFs and NSmen to contribute and organisational concepts to exploit Transport and G550 Airborne Early Warning
to our maritime defence”. breakthrough technologies for national aircraft, new Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
defence – all under conditions of increased (UAVs); new classes of ships that include
Zaqy visited the Changi Naval Base (CNB) strategic uncertainty. Joint Multi-Mission Ships and Multi-Role
on March 15, and was briefed by the Chief Combat Vessels (MRCVs); 218SG sub-
of Navy, Rear-Admiral Sean Wat, on how To meet these demands, the Republic marines and new types of Underwater
the RSN is strengthening its capabilities to of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) last year Unmanned Vehicles (UUVs); and ulti-
safeguard Singapore’s waters and secure acquired the Orbiter 4 Close-Range mately, military systems and platforms
its sea lines of communication against Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (CR-UAV) to fur- for more protected and mobile Army, such
a broad spectrum of maritime security ther enhance the SAF’s Air Intelligence, as the Next-Generation Armoured Fighting
threats. Vehicles (NGAFV), Terrex Infantry Carrier
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (AISR) Vehicles, upgraded Leopard tanks, multiple
As part of his visit, Zaqy was updated on capabilities. rocket launchers and howitzers.
the progress of the RSN’s transformation
journey, especially in the area of unmanned
technology and systems.
He sailed on board the Naval Diving Unit’s
Combatant Craft Large (CCL) and wit-
nessed a demonstration on how maritime
security operations are conducted by the
Maritime Security Unmanned Surface
Vessel (USV).
According to Singapore’s Ministry of