Page 12 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 12


         TO EXTEND




         The global power management com-
         pany, Eaton, is looking to further grow its
         partnerships with Japanese firms at the
         ongoing DSEI. Eaton’s aerospace foot-
         print in Japan includes a manufacturing   NAVAL SYSTEMS TECH: SEA TIES
         plant and sales office, both located in the
         Kanagawa prefecture.                  UP WITH JAPAN’S CORNES

         The company is showcasing a diverse   UK defence technology company SEA has   David Hinds, Vice President of Strategic
         range of advanced, sustainable tech-  entered into a strategic partnership with   Accounts at SEA, said: “We strongly believe
         nologies and products for the defense   Japan’s Cornes Technologies to provide the   that navies across the world should have
         sector and, specifically, for the upcom-  Japanese naval industry with access to the   access to the very best equipment and
         ing next-generation fighter programme.   very latest innovative defence technology in   technologies, and we recognise our part in
         “We have established longstanding     the maritime domain, including the torpedo   ensuring allied nations such as Japan, have
         relationships with local Japanese com-  launcher system.                     access to innovative maritime systems for
         panies to support Japan’s defense sector                                     their ongoing security. Our capabilities,
         over several decades and are ready to   The partnership, signed at DSEI Japan,   such as our small form-factor anti-sub-
         explore further partnerships to support   will see SEA’s leading edge technology   marine warfare solutions and weapon
         future programs, such as the next-gen-  solutions, which have been adopted by   independent torpedo launcher systems are
         eration F-X fighter,” said Desmond    defence organisations across the world,   designed to ensure users have flexibility
         Goh, Managing Director, Asia Pacific,   marketed exclusively in Japan by Cornes   and remain operational within some of the
         Aerospace Group, Eaton.               Technologies as an authorised distributor.  most complex maritime environments. This
                                                                                      partnership will be pivotal in providing the
         Eaton is eyeing opportunities in Japan’s   SEA develops and delivers technology that   Japanese naval industry with the respon-
         future  fighter  programme,  related  to   is engineered to protect. The new partner-  sive systems needed to meet ever-changing
         electromechanical actuators, engine   ship will see the Japanese maritime sector   surface and subsurface threats.”
         solutions, interconnect solutions, hydrau-  benefit from SEA’s world-leading low-profile
         lic pumps and motors, oxygen and fuel   and agile Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)   Cornes Technologies is a leading importer
         systems, and electrification products for                                    and distributor of high-tech products and
         eVTOL platforms.                      solutions, which are designed for smaller   technologies to the Japanese government.
                                               platforms such as Offshore Patrol Vessels
         Goh said Eaton has an expanded port-  and uncrewed autonomous vessels.       Nishioka Kazuhiko, Director of Cornes
         folio of solutions, thanks to the recent                                     Technologies Limited, said: “SEA offers
         acquisitions of Souriau-Sunbank and   The partnership will also allow SEA to   leading and reliable technology solu-
         Cobham Mission Systems. This includes  introduce its torpedo launcher system,   tions for the defence industry across the
         a vast number of high-quality, technically  the in-service launcher of choice of the UK   globe, and we are delighted to be working
         advanced and sustainable products and  Royal Navy and a number of navies in the  alongside SEA to support the delivery of
         solutions.                            Association of Southeast Asian Nations  these systems into the Japanese defence
                                               (ASEAN) region, to the Japanese market.  market.”
        12  MARCH-17-2023                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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