Page 12 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 12


                               AS EXPORTS CLIMB

        Turkish defence manufacturer, Aselsan   to develop and manufacture the world’s  Aselsan Chairman of the Board and General
        which is taking part in the ongoing show,  most advanced Unmanned Marine Vehicles  Manager Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün stated that
        grew in record terms in 2022 with a 77  technologies. Blue Vatan’s technological  the flight tests of the GÖZDE ammunition
        percent increase as compared to 2021.  protectors, especially the MARLIN IDA and  were carried out successfully and said, “In
        Aselsan’ s net profit increased by 67% com-  Albatros-S IDA Herd Projects developed by  the first firing tests, the GÖZDE-ANS guid-
        pared to the same period of the previous  ASELSAN, will continue to evolve. The com-  ed-kit bomb, which was thrown at a speed
        year and reached TL 11.9 billion. The com-  pany is also continuing to evolve its family  of 0.9 Mach from a height of 28,500 feet,
        pany has made strong inroads into global  of proven unmanned aerial vehicles. The  hit the target at a range of 13 km, which
        export markets with its wide product port-  company recently successfully completed  was marked with a laser by the follower
        folio, many of which are on display here at  the Aselsan LGK shooting test conducted  aircraft. Another Gozde -ANS guided-kit
        Langkawi. This has resulted in an export  by Bayraktar Akinci UAV with the Aselsan  bomb, which was thrown at a speed of 0.9
        order backlog of USD1 billion. Exports  CATS camera system. Previously, the target  Mach from a height of 40 thousand feet in
        remain a key driver at Aselsan, which added  was successfully destroyed with Aselsan’  the ongoing activities within the scope of
        three new export customers in 2022. In the  s TOLUN (Guided Miniature Bomb), which  the F-16 certification tests, hit the target
        last four years alone, the Turkish defence   was again released from an Akinci UAV.  with a laser-marked 21 km range, which
        firm  has  exported  its  products  to  81   Aselsan and Roketsan are continuing with  was marked with a laser by the follower
        countries, out of which 18 were first time   development  of  the  SIPER  Long-Range  aircraft. Gozde -ANS; MK-82 (500 lb) is a kit
        customers. Aselsan has also introduced 50   Region Air and Missile Defense System.  that makes general purpose bombs ANS/
        different products, which received export   The SIPER air defence system will form a  Laser guided, and it has the ability to hit
        contracts in the last four years.      major component of Turkey’s future layered  targets at a range of 28 km with high pre-
                                               air defence requirements. Aselsan recently  cision when dropped from an altitude of 40
        The company also continues to increase the  also  realized  the  first  mass  production  thousand feet from F-16 aircraft.
        amount of Turkish content on its products,  delivery of modernised armoured vehicles
        which allows it greater freedom in global  for the Turkish armed forces.      The guidance kit allows the weapon to
        defence exports. In 2022 alone, Aselsan                                       precisely  hit  fixed  targets  and  targets
        successfully completed the nationalization   Gozde Guidance Ready             moving at high-speed (50-120 km/h). The
        process of 160 different products. Over the   for Mass Production             flight tests of the Gozde ammunition were
        last three years, 670 of the company’s prod-                                  recently  completed  and  the  first  firing
        ucts have been engineered with greater   Aselsan recently announced that its Gozde
        indigenous content, generating savings of   guidance kit is ready for mass produc-  tests were carried out from the Turkish Air
                                                                                      Force F-16 and Akinci unmanned drones. In
        USD500 million. In the ensuing decades   tion. Series production of the new guided
        since its inception, Aselsan has grown to   munition is now underway. Aselsan has   shooting tests, the target was hit with high
        nearly ten thousand employees and one   developed the Gozde guidance kit in part-  precision. Over the course of the certifica-
        hundred strategic partners.            nership with TUBITAK SAGE. The 500Ib  tion tests, F-16 aircraft successfully carried
                                               class guided ammunition is essentially a  out weapons trials at the Konya Karapınar
        Recent Developments                    MK-82 general purpose bomb converted  Shooting Range in Turkey. Later the Gozde
                                               with INS/GPS and Laser Seeker Head  guidance kit munition was integrated onto
        In the maritime domain, Aselsan continues  (LAB).                             an Akinci.
        12  MAY-24-2023                                                                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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