Page 11 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 11

different occasions showcased the mis-  the NSM can be launched from a variety  to GPS interference. The Israeli Navy and
        sile’s capabilities in that sphere, including in  of platforms against a variety of targets  Republic of Singapore Navy are likely to
        June 2022 when it was launched from the  on sea and land. Extremely maneuverable,  be launch customers, but the land-based
        Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Benfold  the missile is completely passive and has  variant of the Blue Spear already has an
        (DDG-65) to hit the decommissioned Oliver  proven  sea-skimming  capabilities.  The  export customer – Estonia. Finland has
        Hazard Perry class frigate USS Vandegrift.  Autonomous Target Recognition (ATR) of  selected the Gabriel V for its Pojhanmaa-
        The first test of the SM-6 in an anti-ship role  the seeker ensures that the correct target  class corvette.
        happened in 2016, when it was success-  is detected, recognized, and hit - at sea or
        fully used to hit the decommissioned USS  on land.                            In collaboration with Thales, IAI is also
        Reuben James at the Pacific Missile Range                                     working on the Sea Serpent anti-ship
        Facility, off Hawaii, in 2016. In April 2021, an  Produced by Kongsberg and managed in  missile. The Surface-to-Surface missile,
        SM-6 launched from the Arleigh Burke class  the U.S. by Raytheon. NSM reached Initial  which is being developed as a contender
        destroyer USS John Finn hit a mock sur-  Operational Capability on the Norwegian  for  the  Royal  Navy’s  surface-to-surface
        face target as part of a manned-unmanned  Fridtjof Nansen-class frigates and the  guided weapon (SSGW) programme, has
        teaming (MUM-T) exercise.              Norwegian Skjold Class corvettes in 2012.  a range well in excess of 200 kilometers.
                                               The missile is also in use by the Polish Navy  The missile has an RF seeker head and a
        The SM-6 has more than double the range  in a coastal-Defence role, the U.S. Navy’s  sophisticated data analysis and weapon
        of the Harpoon Block II that can hit targets  Littoral Combat Ship and Constellation-  control system to provide precise target
        at a range of around 75 miles. Its smaller  class frigate programmes, and the U.S.  detection, discrimination, and classifica-
        warhead limits the missile’s capability  Marine Corps’ NMESIS unmanned-mo-    tion. Capable of overcoming both kinetic
        against larger surface ships, but it makes  bile-launch truck.  The missile has also  counter-fire and sophisticated electronic
        up for the lack of size with its speed - in  been selected by the navies of Malaysia,  countermeasures, the missile will locate
        excess of Mach 3. However, the SM-6 is  Germany, Canada, Romania and Australia.  and attack its target in littoral, open-ocean,
        more expensive than other Naval surface                                       and overland environments.
        warfare weapons as it has been designed  IAI Makes a Mark
        primarily for anti-air and ballistic missile   Proteus Advanced Systems, a joint ven-  MBDA & The FC/ASW
        Defence missions.                      ture between Israel Aerospace Industries   Programme

        Naval Strike Missile                   (IAI) and ST Engineering, unveiled the Blue  Meanwhile, missile manufacturer MBDA
                                               Spear fifth generation surface-to-surface  is making progress on the Future Cruise/
        In  September  2022,  the  Spanish  Navy  missile (5G SSM), which has a combined  Anti-Ship Weapon (FC/ASW) programme,
        selected Kongsberg’s Naval Strike Missile  anti-ship and land attack capability at high  which aims replace the air launched Scalp/
        (NSM) as the replacement for its Harpoon  subsonic speed, at the Singapore Airshow  Storm Shadow as well as the air and ship
        missiles. According to reports, the service  last year. Based on IAI’s Gabriel, the mis-  launched Exocet and Harpoon anti-ship
        picked NSM over MBDA’s Exocet MM40  sile has an air-breathing turbojet engine  missiles in service with French and British
        Block 3C and Saab RBS 15 Mk3+. The  fed with liquid jet fuel, with a range of 180  air forces and navies. In 2019, MBDA and
        NSM is expected to be delivered before  miles. The missile features an active radar  its partner companies in the two compa-
        the Harpoon is retired from active service  seeker,  accurate  INS-based  navigation  nies moved past the “Key Review” phase
        around 2030.                           capabilities, maximum accuracy target  of the programme. The programme intends
                                               acquisition, and a robust system immune  to deliver a weapon that will be operational
        The Royal Navy is expected to retire the                                      by 2028.
        Harpoon much earlier. In November last
        year, the UK Ministry of Defence signed a                                     In December last year, MBDA commenced
        deal with Kongsberg to replace the Harpoon                                    deliveries of the first Exocet MM40 Block 3c
        Block 1C missiles on 11 of its warships,                                      anti-ship missiles to the French Navy. The
        including Type 45 destroyers and type 23                                      delivery of the missiles had been delayed
        frigates, with the NSM.  In January this year,                                since 2021. The service has ordered 55
        the service’s Type 23 frigate HMS Somerset                                    missiles, with deliveries expected to be
        announced the commencement of NSM                                             completed by the end of 2023.
        upgrade work. The missile, which will be
        ready for operations onboard the frigate                                      New Names
        in the first half of 2024, is only a stop-gap                                 The market is also seeing the entry of
        solution for the Type 23 frigates and will be                                 new players. At the recent LAAD 23 event
        replaced by the Anglo-French Future Cruise                                    in Brazil, the UAE’s Edge Group signed an
        Anti-Ship Weapon (FCASW), around 2028.                                        agreement with the Brazilian Navy for the
        The FCASW will also be on Royal Air Force                                     joint development of long-range anti-ship
        Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets.                                             missiles and a supersonic missile. While the
                                                                                      Brazilian Navy will provide its portfolio of
        The NSM, which is  a subsonic cruise                                          missiles and its fleet for testing purposes,
        missile with a 275-pound explosive war-                                       EDGE will bring to the table electronic war-
        head, is smaller than the Harpoon, which                                      fare and smart weapons solutions. The
        also has a larger 500-pound warhead. It                                       companies intend to pursue export oppor-
        however has a range of 100-plus nautical                                      tunities for their products in the light of the
        miles, compared to the Harpoon’s 75 nm                                        growing global demand for such missiles.
        range. A fifth-generation anti-ship missile,                                  commissioned between 2025 and 2028.
        LIMA 2023                                                                                            MAY-24-2023 11
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