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        The trilateral Global                                          Claesen, Managing Director, Future Combat
                                                                       Air Systems - BAE Systems Air, said by com-
                                                                       bining forces, the UK and its partners would
        Combat Air Programme is                                        deliver the military capability needed to over-
                                                                       come fast evolving threats, share costs and
        making swift progress                                          ensure the RAF remains interoperable with
                                                                       some of our closest partners.
        By Atul Chandra                                                UK Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace said the
                                                                       next tranche of funding for future combat air
                                                                       will help fuse the combined technologies and
                                                                       expertise the UK has with its international
                 he Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP), a trilateral   partners – both in Europe and the Pacific.
                 collaboration involving the United Kingdom, Japan, and   Wallace had said in July 2022 that a new
                 Italy, to develop a next generation fighter jet, is making   combat air demonstrator would fly within five
       T swift progress. The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) made         years. Production versions of the next-gen-
        a £656 million funding allocation in April to progress the design   eration fighter are expected to enter service
        and development of this aircraft. The inking of a collaboration  by 2035.
        agreement by UK, Japan and Italian industry partners in May
        for the GCAP’s Integrated Sensing and Non Kinetic Effects &
        Integrated Communications Systems (ISANKE & ICS) was also a    Accelerated Progress
        major programme decision.                                      Just prior to the start of the Paris Airshow,

        The UK has committed to investing more than £2 billion on the   BAE Systems released additional details about
                                                                       developmental work taking place to deliver
        project up to May 2025. The development phase of GCAP is slated   the UK’s first flying combat air demonstra-
        to begin in 2025 with the flying phase to start towards the end of   tor in 40 years. Test pilots from BAE Systems,
        the decade or early 2030. Tempest is the UK name for the aircraft   Rolls-Royce and the Royal Air Force (RAF) have
        in development under GCAP. GCAP was showcased publicly for     already flown more than 150 hours of the
        the first time at DSEI Japan, earlier this year.               demonstrator aircraft in a new bespoke sim-

        The contracts awarded in April by the UK MOD, were made to     ulator at a brand new facility, at BAE Systems
                                                                       in Warton, Lancashire.
        BAE Systems on behalf of British defence firms; Leonardo UK,
        MBDA UK and Rolls-Royce will build on the ground-breaking sci-  BAE Systems’ engineers have also used auto
        ence, research and engineering already completed. More than  coding to create safety-critical systems soft-
        60 cutting-edge technology demonstrations, digital concepts  ware in a matter of days rather than weeks, in
        and new technologies will now be progressed to maturity by  a first for military aircraft design. This allows
        UK industry, along with GCAP partners Japan and Italy. Herman  for  rapid  assessment  of  the  flight  control

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