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17 state departments of economic develop-
        ment and commerce will present their own
        state-branded stands featuring state-based
        co-exhibitors. The majority of those exhibitors
        will be SMEs. In a spirit of partnership, the
        states recognize the Pavilion as a magnet for
        attracting more international VIPs and buyers,
        and we recognize the win-win efficiency of
        working with state leaders to introduce new
        suppliers into the show. Together, we’re cre-
        ating opportunities to generate business     pioneers during the show’s public days. The program will feature
        overseas and create jobs back home.          games, entertainment, and educational activities including per-
                                                     sonal appearances by Apollo 16 Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke
                                                     and Space Shuttle Commander Mike Bloomfield.

          Q  OEMs and other major companies typ-
          ically hog most of the limelight at trade
          shows. What role does the Pavilion play      Q  When and where was the first U.S.A. Partnership pavilion
          in ensuring that small- and medium-sized    organized? Who was it that came up with the idea to get most
          enterprises  (SMEs)  get  their  share  of   of the U.S. companies under one roof?
          attention?                                 It all started with a cup of coffee. In 1963, our founder, my dad,

        From OEMs  to SMEs,  the Pavilion helps      Jerry Kallman, Sr., thought it would be nice to provide free coffee
                                                     to his contingent of U.S. exhibitors at Electronica, the environ-
        everyone stand out in the crowd. Some of     mental industry show in Munich, so they wouldn’t have to take
        that advantage is easy to see in the overall   time away from their stands to find it somewhere else. National
        presentation of the space — the high traffic
        location, high profile events such as the open-  pavilions are not a new idea — world’s fairs, for example — but
                                                     that simple gesture of personal attention still informs our brand
        ing ceremony and VIP tours, the Meeting Point   of service and community everywhere we go.
        exhibitors lounge and the FORUM thought
        leadership program. Out of the spotlight, par-
        ticipating U.S. government and military trade
        advisors, industry advocates, universities, and   Q  What are some of the important aerospace and defense
        professional societies with experience in coun-  tradeshows later this year where your company will be orga-
        try are available for trade advice and counsel.   nizing the U.S.A. Partnership Pavilion?
        And after the show closes, our partnership   After Paris, we’re looking forward to advancing America’s global
        with the new global supply
        chain network keeps every Pavilion participant   trade interests in July at F-AIR in Colombia, September at DSEI
        connected year-round online. Sourcehere sup-  in London and MSPO in Kielce, Poland, October at Seoul ADEX
        ports thousands of suppliers and buyers with   in South Korea, and November at the Dubai Air Show. If there
                                                     were any doubts, post-pandemic be assured, this industry is back!
        tools and utilities — including direct messag-
        ing — to connect, conduct business, and build
        trade relationships online, anywhere, anytime.
                                                       Q  Is it easy or hard to retain companies from one trade show
                                                      to the next?
          Q   Can  you  talk  about  “Workforce  That’s a hard question to answer because there are so many
          Weekend,’ which your company is organiz-   variables involved in every business relationship. Since we’re
          ing  in  Paris  as  part  of  the  Pavilion?   celebrating our 60th anniversary in the business of advancing
                                                     global trade this year, I think the answer is, whatever we’re doing
        Nation-to-nation, as a grateful representative  seems to be working!
        of the United States of America, and peo-
        ple-to-people, as a responsible global citizen,
        “Workforce Weekend” is our way of thanking     Q  What advice would you give to a company that is part of
        Paris for 28 years of true partnership. After the   the Pavilion and attending the Paris Air Show for the first time?
        trade days are done, in cooperation with the
        FAA, NASA, the U.S. Department of Defense,  Welcome! Paris is a big show, and there will be many distractions.
        AIA, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, and our  Take advantage of everything the Pavilion offers to optimize your
        300+ Pavilion exhibitors, we will transform  time and maximize your impact, and if you see something, say
        the Pavilion into a three-day science, technol-  something. Ask questions. The more we know about your goals
        ogy, engineering, and math (STEM) festival to  and what you need to succeed, the more we will exceed your
        inspire future generations of engineers, and  expectations!.

        28 | PARIS AIRSHOW 2023 INSIGHT ∙ JUNE 2023                                             WWW.GBP.COM.SG
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