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marking the beginning of a broader part- for Pindad’s firearm products, which were under this agreement have been instrumen-
nership. These aircraft are known for their highlighted during the discussions. tal in curbing illegal activities and securing
versatility, capable of transporting cargo, key maritime routes.
personnel, and performing medical evac- Deepening Defence Cooperation:
uation missions. Agreements and Patrols In 2021, the Philippines and Indonesia
The defence cooperation between Indonesia renewed their Defence Cooperation
Recognizing the value of these aircraft, the and the Philippines extends beyond equip- Agreement (DCA), which facilitates broader GBP DAILY NEWS AT
Philippine Air Force followed up with an ment procurement. The two nations have defence engagements, including joint mili-
order for six more NC-212i units in 2023. established a series of agreements and tary training, defence technology exchanges, INDO DEFENCE 2024 EXPO & FORUM
These additional aircraft are expected to joint initiatives aimed at improving regional and maritime security cooperation. This
bolster the Philippines’ ability to respond to security. The Indo-Phil Maritime Border agreement lays the foundation for future
a range of challenges, from military trans- Cooperation Agreement, in place since 1975 arms deals and continued collaboration.
port to humanitarian missions, across its and renewed multiple times, allows both GBP Aerospace & Defence will bring out GBP Daily News at the upcoming Indo Defence 2024
vast archipelago. countries to manage security in their over- Expo & Forum in Indonesia.
lapping Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs). Looking Ahead: A Growing
Missed Opportunities and The agreement focuses on combating illegal Defence Partnership The 10 edition of Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum will take place from 6-9 November 2024 at Jakarta International Expo,
New Prospects: Pindad’s Tactical fishing, piracy, and border control, fostering The defence cooperation between Indonesia Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia.
Vehicles and Firearms a stable maritime environment in the region. and the Philippines continues to grow, as
While not all Indonesian defence products both nations face shared security challeng- High quality bi-lingual print editions of GBP Daily News will be made available on the first three days of Indo Defence 2024
es in the region. With Indonesia’s proven
have secured contracts, there remains inter- In 2014, Indonesia and the Philippines be- track record as a reliable supplier of mil- Expo & Forum.
est from the Philippines in certain offerings. gan conducting joint maritime patrols to itary hardware and the deepening of joint
For instance, Indonesia’s PT Pindad had secure their shared borders, focusing on security agreements, the partnership is set Attendees will also be able to access the publication by using QR code.
pitched its Harimau medium tank to the the Celebes and Sulu Seas. These patrols to strengthen further.
Philippine Army, but the bid was ultimately aim to prevent cross-border crimes, such as GBP Daily News will carry a mix of show news and feature stories, product briefs along with exclusive interviews from Indo
won by Israel’s Sabrah light tank. human trafficking, smuggling, and piracy, Defence 2024 Expo & Forum.
while enhancing mutual maritime security. Potential new contracts between two coun-
Despite this, interest in Pindad’s Komodo tries may soon materialise, while ongoing New! GBP Daily News will also offer video interview opportunities at Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum. Limited Slots Only!
4x4 tactical vehicle surfaced in 2020, though A significant multilateral initiative came maritime patrols and joint initiatives ensure
no further developments have been reported in 2019 with the Trilateral Maritime Patrol that both countries remain committed to re-
since. However, in July 2024, a delegation Agreement, involving Indonesia, the gional stability. As Southeast Asia continues
led by the Commanding General of the Philippines, and Malaysia. This agreement to evolve, the strategic defence relationship
Philippine Army, Lt. Gen. Roy Mabagos strengthens security in the Sulu-Celebes between Indonesia and the Philippines will
Galido, visited PT Pindad. This visit may Seas, an area historically prone to piracy and play a critical role in ensuring peace and
open the door to future contracts, especially terrorism. Coordinated sea and air patrols security for both nations.
Final Security Survey of AFP Units Completed by U.S. DTSA
The United States Defence Technology as information security, physical security, The GSOMIA between the Philippines and Distribution
Security Administration (DTSA) and computer security, and security training. the United States will bolster defence 2,500 printed copies of GBP Daily News will be distributed onsite
the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command This evaluation will ensure that AFP units cooperation and facilitate the exchange to conferences attendees, visitors and to exhibitor stalls. 2,500
(USINDOPACOM) is undertaking a final meet the security standards required to of classified information, enhancing the copies per day
Security Assistance Visit (SAV) to se- handle sensitive military information, there- operational readiness of both countries in DAY 1: November 6 th
lected units of the Armed Forces of the by enhancing the effectiveness of bilateral addressing mutual security challenges in GBP Daily News is popular at defence shows and trade exhibitions
Philippines (AFP). The U.S. DTSA team operations between the two allied nations. the Indo-Pacific region. worldwide, due to its handy size and quality editorial content. DAY 2: November 7 th
commenced the final SAV to selected AFP
units earlier this month. GBP Daily News eBook will be emailed each morning of the show DAY 3: November 8 th
for unprecedented local and international exposure.
The survey is a critical step towards fi- GBP Daily News
nalizing the General Security of Military Over 3,000 copies of GBP Daily News eBook will be distributed to eBook Distribution
Information Agreement (GSOMIA) be- military, defence and industry professionals worldwide, with a special 3,000
tween the Philippines and the United focus on APAC, SE-Asia and the Middle-East. copies per day
States. The DTSA’s assessment marks a
significant milestone in advancing the de- Sponsorship Opportunities for GBP Daily News Advertising Orders
fence relationship between the Philippines at Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum are Available. October 15 th
and the United States, highlighting the Contact:
shared commitment to maintaining region- Materials
al security and upholding a rules-based October 20 th
AFP Vice Chief of Staff Lt. Gen Arthur Cordura and Steve James of the US Defence
Technology Security Administration and US Indo-Pacific Command staff pose for a GBP DAILY NEWS AT INDO DEFENCE 2024 EXPO & FORUM!
The SAV aims to assess the AFP’s security photo following the Final Security Assistance Visit to the AFP General Headquarters
practices, focusing on key areas such in September. For more information contact:
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